OZONE Asylum
CS2 Colours way off on new Monitor
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You da Man Sleeping Wolf. I've had what sounds like a very similar problem to yours for months now see -> [30265] and [30373] My colours inside PS CS3 and ACR were just, well horrible. Blocky, like the type of effect you sometimes get with a 256 colour display. I tried so many things as you have with no positive result.. So I read your thread with interest and tried the "Quick Monitor" you linked to and [b]Bish Bash Bosh[/b] for the first time EVER with this monitor the colour in my images and Photographs in CS3 look normal. I am SO delighted I can't stop using CAPS! Honestly.... I felt like I was in that "Outer Limits" episode, were a fellah wakes up one morning and everything seems normal apart from people using the odd word incorrectly, saying, perhaps "elephant" instead of "coffee" in a sentence. ""Have a cup of elephant my dear" As time passes this happens with increasing frequency until he can no longer understand what anyone is saying. It is all English but "[i]not as she should be spoken[/i]". Anyone remember that one? ANNnnyway, I digress. Once again thank you, you have solved a long standing problem of mine with my beloved Photoshop. My sword is yours to command. :D [img]http://www.tao.serveit.org/asylum/taosword.gif[/img]
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