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9/11 and numerology...coincidence??
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Yep. Coincidence. Also, numerology demands that you lower the numbers to one significant digit. So all your 11's become 2's. I hate to be the wet blanket, but you can do numerological queries on virtually anything to come up with things like this. Note that you have to gloss over certain things: First plane is #11, which helps you, but you have to ignore #77 (7+7=1+4=5), #175(1+7+5=1+3=4), and #93 (9+3=1+2=3). Three towers went down, not just the two that make two 1's, so you're then left with a diagram that looks more like ||i which makes no sense. Maybe 11i. And we all know i is an imaginary number. Also, Flight #77 had 64 passengers, not 65 ([url=http://www.state.gov/coalition/cr/fs/12701.htm]source[/url]), same as #175. This also removes your 254 mention, since official records count 92 (#11) + 64 (#175) + 64 (#77) + 44 (#93) = 264 = 2 + 6 + 4 = 1 + 2 = 3. RAMSIN YUSEB is 11 letters, but that's only one translation of his name. Generally his first name is rendered as RAMZI, which shatters that one. Technically, the Madrid tragedy took place 912 days after 9/11/04. 911 days separated the two dates. Naturally, there are more... it's just human nature to look for patterns where none exist. :) -[url=http://blog.brokenhattrick.com]S[/url]
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