Twin Towers, standing side by side, look like the number 11
The tragedy was on September 11, or 9/11. Adding this: 9+1+1=11
September 11 is day number 254 of the calendar year: 2+5+4=11
After September 11, there were 111 days more to the end of the year.
911 = emergency phone call
119 is the area code to Iraq
New York City has 11 letters.
New York was the 11 state to join the union
Ramsin Yuseb (The terrorist who threatened the Twin Towers in 1993) has 11 letters.
'George W. Bush' has 11 letters
Osama Bin Laden's name add up to 11.
The Pentagon consists of 11 letters
The first plane crushing against the Twin Towers was flight #11
Flight # 11 was carrying 92 passengers Adding this number gives us: 9+2=11
Flight # 77 who also hit the towers, was carrying 65 passengers Adding this: 6+5=11
The total number of victims inside the planes were 254: 2+5+4=11
The tragedy of 3/11/2004 in Madrid also adds up to: 3+1+1+2+4=11. It occurred 911 days after 911
Yep. Coincidence. Also, numerology demands that you lower the numbers to one significant digit. So all your 11's become 2's.
I hate to be the wet blanket, but you can do numerological queries on virtually anything to come up with things like this. Note that you have to gloss over certain things:
First plane is #11, which helps you, but you have to ignore #77 (7+7=1+4=5), #175(1+7+5=1+3=4), and #93 (9+3=1+2=3). Three towers went down, not just the two that make two 1's, so you're then left with a diagram that looks more like ||i which makes no sense. Maybe 11i. And we all know i is an imaginary number.
Also, Flight #77 had 64 passengers, not 65 (source), same as #175. This also removes your 254 mention, since official records count 92 (#11) + 64 (#175) + 64 (#77) + 44 (#93) = 264 = 2 + 6 + 4 = 1 + 2 = 3.
RAMSIN YUSEB is 11 letters, but that's only one translation of his name. Generally his first name is rendered as RAMZI, which shatters that one.
Technically, the Madrid tragedy took place 912 days after 9/11/04. 911 days separated the two dates.
Naturally, there are more... it's just human nature to look for patterns where none exist. :)
But I'm sure the coincidences would manifest in an entirely different way.
Makes me want to watch the movie Pi for that one scene where that guy talks about the Hebrew alphabet and numbers. Stuff like that is far more creepy and interesting (IMHO).
There must be thousands of significant numbers somehow associated with the 911 event ... it should be quite simple to find a few that you can twist and turn in your own fashion so they become 11 or whatever. Doesn't even need to be coincidence.
Not to open up a can of worms here, but this relates to the 9/11 attacks how? Of the 19 hijackers, 15 were from Saudi Arabia, 2 were from the UAE, 1 was from Egypt, and 1 was from Lebanon. None were from Iraq, and suspicions of Iraqi connections were shown to be groundless.
(And, technically speaking, 119 is the country code for Iraq, not the area code. )
From: The Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 01-08-2009 15:53
To see if the "numbers" really are somehow specifically related to an event, one has to compare all the numbers.
Since not all the numbers (I would tend to think the overall majority of them, to be honest) do not have any relationship to 9/11 whatsoever, then one is left with lining up those that do.
That doesn't really mean anything, in and of itself.
In this sense, it is not even coincidence, but just a form of "match what is similar and discard the rest" really.
And I will echo Master Suho's words here...what does Iraq have to do with it
WebShaman | The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities.
- Sophocles
hey dont shoot the messenger (you none believers).....but really I would like to see someone try to come up with a another set of numbers that would relate to the event 9/11
My birthday, in YYMMDD format, is 730418. My wife's birthday in the same format is 740813--we have the same numbers, just in different order!
My birthday in MMDD format is 0418. Add these numbers together and you get 13... which is a pretty freaky number in and of itself!
I am the 1st of 3 children: 1 3... 13!
If you look at me in profile after an especially heavy meal, I sometimes resemble the number 13
The date of my birth, the 18th, is also significant: when I was young I was part of a scouting program, and our outpost number was 118!
418 is the area code for Quebec, once home of the Nordiques (now the Colorado Avalanche), a hockey team who were conference rivals of the New York Islanders, my favorite hockey team as a child!
814 is an area code covering much of western Pennsylvania--I have relatives who lived there!
By atomic number, element #18 is Argon, a noble gas--I sometimes have gas, too, especially after eating refried beans!
OK, so I got a little bored and silly there, but I wasn't really trying that hard. If I really wanted to, I'm sure I could come up with an equally arbitrary list of "significant" numbers.
And I wasn't trying to shoot the messenger, by the way--I was just trying to point out how arbitrarily some of those numbers were determined. The Iraq "area" code stuck out like a sore thumb to me, but there were others. How about "George W. Bush" having 11 letters? Notice how it doesn't work if you leave out his middle initial or use his full middle name. Not to mention, of course, everything that twItch^ pointed out.
Bottom line: give me enough time and motivation, and I could make any event relate in any number of ways to a particular subset of numbers. But, seeing as it's a waste of time, I doubt I'll be motivated to do this.
From: Insane since: May 2001
posted 01-12-2009 21:40
wasn't there something a long time ago where you typed 911 in notepad and changed the font to webdings or something and it came out with a plane and something that resembled the twin towers?
also, if you take my birth date in the form of MMDDYYYY and add them together, you get this exact year!
10 + 30 + 1969 = 2009
wasn't there something a long time ago where you typed 911 in notepad and changed the font to webdings or something and it came out with a plane and something that resembled the twin towers?
29 posts about 9/11 until it devolved into tentacle porn :: 2 + 9 = 11.
Tentacle porn requires at least 2 tentacles :: 1 1 ~ 11.
I am 6'5 :: 6 + 5 = 11.
Suho's sig looks a bit like eleven, twice :: =|i|:|∙ ~ 11:11.
"Tentacles" (with quotation marks) is 11 characters.
DL-44 refers to 44 degrees Celsius, which is 317 degrees Kelvin :: 3 + 7 + 1 = 11.
Suho's cell is 270 :: 2 + 7 + 0 = 9.
There. Obviously, tentacle porn and 9/11 are inextricably tied. Look at all the 11s and 9s. It's irrefutable.