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"Job" shop nonsense
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Webshaman - ?? Um, No... Allewyn said things are like that in Southern Oregon. The social networking idea is sound... In this current economic environment it might not be that functional though. Enough people are just trying to keep their jobs and may be less willing to add another salary to a firm they work for. Especially if you are being recommended for a value add job and they currently work in an overhead position. I'd personally go that route anyway though.. It doesn't sound like you'll be getting much help from the 'job shop'. These sound significantly different than the contract houses we have around the midwest. There the employees get distributed to the areas of work that they have skill sets for and get paid via contract from the employer. Typically once the contract term is over the employer can hire the contractor as a 'regular' employee. Contractor wages tend to be less due to the agencies cut. I haven't heard of things being so bad here. Either do that or just start walking into places that match your current interests or skill sets. Anything to get exposure to the employers... there is nothing the job shops can do to stop you from mailing in resumés or showing up at businesses to drop them off in person. Choose to NOT use the job shop and go it on your own... your ROI to date has been non-existent... even dismal results would be an improvement. If the system takes advantage of you or doesn't serve you as it should... Don't use the system. Make the change, don't wait for someone to change it for you. Sounds like a bad rap... I hope things get better for you. GD [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/2337]GrythusDraconis[/url] on 02-12-2009 19:58)[/small]
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