OZONE Asylum
Now this is a designbrief worth reading...
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This was in my favourite free newspaper a few weeks ago - much hilarity and criticism at Pepsi's expense. I've always suspected that it's all a load of bull - usually by arguably talented bull-artists for the purpose of fleecing other bull-artists, who in turn, fleece the consumer market (who we know are perfectly happy to consume bullsh*t by the bucket load, so no harm there)... ...but that's actually amusing. Essentially, through pages and pages of circumlocution, the basic message by the designers is "we've taken all your old designs, jumbled them up for inspiration... then just stuck a smile on it, and made tenuous references to philosophers, mathematicians, and artists with far more talent than we ever had in order to make it all sound somehow sophisticated... and have the psychotropic drugs kicked in yet? Good, now listen very carefully... YOU WILL CONTRACT OUR SERVICES AT ANY PRICE WE NAME, WITHOUT RESERVATION! OH, AND GIVE ALL OUR DESIGN STAFF FREE PEPSI FOR LIFE... aaaaand you're back in room. How do you like your new logo? Please sign this blank cheque... and I think that concludes our business." Done! [small][small]They certainly have been...[/small][/small]
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