![]() Topic awaiting preservation: My approach to this problem is probably completely wrong. (PHP, MySQL) (Page 1 of 1) |
Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate From: |
![]() I'm working on revamping the table-based, barely-PHP-using, database-less monstrosity that is my site1. The new layout (DIV-based, CSS sprites, rounded corners, degradable JavaScript) is finished, but I need to work on a database. code: <?php include("/php_includes/mysql.php") or echo("<!-- Noes! Unable to set up a connection to the database! -->\n"); // generic code to open a connection to the database // url is of the format "glitches.php?game=The+Game+Name&console=Console+Name&id=primarykey" // game or id must be included // grab the vars we need $gameURLName = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['game']); // problems if not defined? does " a = VAR || DEFAULTVALUE " work in PHP? $gameURLConsole = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['console']); $gameDisplayName = ''; // name, with proper capitalization, symbols $gameDisplayConsole = $gameURLConsole; $gamePrimaryKey = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['id']); $gameQueryURL = implode('&',array(($gameURLName?'game='.$gameURLName:''),($gameURLConsole?'console='.$gameURLConsole:''),($gamePrimaryKey?'id='.$gamePrimaryKey:''))); // $gameQueryURL is used for part of the layout -- not important $glitches = array(); $Err = 0; // set to 1 if any fatal errors occur (no content could be loaded) $ErrInline = 0; // set to 1 if any non-fatal errors occur (page'll still load with whatever data we got, but user is notified) $Err_GlitchRetrievalInterrupted = 0; // so we know what error message to show to the user $Err_MultipleGamesFound = 0; // why do I refer to myself as "we" in my code? $Err_MultipleGamesData = 0; $Err_NoGamesFound = 0; $Err_NoGameSpecified = 0; $Err_QueryFailed = 0; if($gameName||$gameConsole||$gameId) { //if(!$gamePrimaryKey) { // we need to grab the name and console anyway, see below $query="SELECT * FROM games WHERE "; if($gameURLName) { $query.="Name='{$gameURLName}'"; } if($gameURLConsole) { $query.="Console='{$gameURLConsole}'"; } if(!$DJCSCv3_MySQL) { return false; } $result=mysql_query($query) or die('An error has occured.'); if(mysql_num_rows($result)>1) { // multiple games; prepare to ask for clarification. $Err = $Err_MultipleGamesFound = 1; $Err_MultipleGamesData = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $Err_MultipleGamesData[] = array($row['PRIMARY'],$row['Name'],$row['Console']); } } else if (mysql_num_rows($result)) { // one game found $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $gamePrimaryKey = $row['PRIMARY']; $gameDisplayName = $row['Name']; // capitalization $gameQueryURL = implode('&',array(($gameURLName?'game='.$gameURLName:''),($gameURLConsole?'console='.$gameURLConsole:''),($gamePrimaryKey?'id='.$gamePrimaryKey:''))); // used in a layout include -- not important. } else { $Err = $Err_NoGamesFound = 1; } mysql_free_result($result); //} if($gamePrimaryKey) { $result=mysql_query("SELECT 'Glitch Primary Key' FROM 'links--game-glitch' WHERE 'Game Primary Key'={$gamePrimaryKey}"); // find associated glitches if(!$result) { $Err = 1; $Err_QueryFailed = mysql_error(); } else { $gameGlitchPrimaryKeys=array(); while(($gameGlitchPrimaryKeys[] = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) || array_pop($gameGlitchPrimaryKeys)); // saw this on PHP.net foreach($gameGlitchPrimaryKeys as $gPrimary) { // this next part is dubious... loop through glitch primary keys $result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM glitches WHERE PRIMARY=$gPrimary LIMIT 1"); // grab the glitch if(!$result) { $ErrInline = $Err_GlitchRetrievalInterrupted = 1; break; // should probably be continue? in case only this glitch is messed up } $glitchInProgress = 0; if (mysql_num_rows($result)<1) { $glitchInProgress=array('err'=>1,'msg'=>'[error: this glitch could not be retrieved from the server]'); } else { $gData=mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $glitchInProgress= array( // just random data about the glitch 'err'=>0, 'name'=>$gData['Glitch Name'], 'text'=>$gData['Information'], 'screens'=>$gData['Screenshots'], 'table'=>$gData['TableData'], 'discovered'=>$gData['Discovered By'], 'submitted'=>$gData['Submitted By'], 'date'=>$gData['Date Submitted'], 'fo\' reals?'=>$gData['Reliable'] ); } mysql_free_result($result); $result=mysql_query("SELECT 'Video Primary Key' FROM 'links--glitch-video' WHERE 'Glitch Primary Key'=$gPrimary"); // here's where things get tricky if (!$result) { $glitchInProgress['video'] = 0; mysql_free_result($result); // free $result } else { // not yet written. what should be here: // store all the video primary keys from $result in $videoList. // then free $result and loop through $videoList, doing // queries on the video database to get the info we need on the // video. // I seriously doubt this is an efficient approach. // Once we have all the video data, store it as... // $glitchInProgress['video'][$i] = [associative array of video's data] $glitchVideoPrimaryKeys=array(); while(($glitchVideoPrimaryKeys[] = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) || array_pop($glitchVideoPrimaryKeys)); mysql_free_result($result); foreach($glitchVideoPrimaryKeys as $vPrimary) { // launch a query for each video key, get its info as desc.'d above } } // do this: $glitches[]=$glitchInProgress; } } } } else { $Err = $Err_NoGameSpecified = 1; } if ($Err) { $pageHeader = 'An error has occured.'; } else { if($gameName) { $pageHeader = $gameDisplayName.' » Glitches'; } else { $pageHeader = 'SystemCrash'; } } include("/php_includes/top.php") or die("The site layout failed to load! D:"); // layout - top include("/php_includes/gamemenu.php"); // layout - "Index"/"Glitches"/"Videos"/etc. menu // begin rendering glitches // not yet written. // code should loop through $glitches, take the information and // write the mid-page layout code as appropriate, "filling in the // blanks" with the information. // end rendering glitches require_once("/php_includes/footer.php") or die("The footer failed to load! D:"); // layout - bottom // I realize that I need to close the MySQL connection, I'm considering having footer.php // check if one was ever opened and if so, closing it for me -- it'd save me some typing. ?>
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with Finglongers From: Germany |
![]() your table setup is correct. |
Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate From: |
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