Just thought I'd pass this on --
After adding an effect to a vector object in Illustrator and then moving on to other things, what if you want to remove or tweak the effect? Confronted with this dilemma I sought online help* and learned about the Appearance window Window->Show Appearance.
- Select the object with the effect you want to alter or remove
- Go to the Appearance window and notice that there is a list of "appearance" attributes.
- Find the one you want to adjust or remove and if you want to remove it, select it and then click the trash can, and if you want to adjust it, just double click it and the tweak panel for that effect will pop-up.
* I didn't want to join yet another forum, besides it wasn't nearly as cool as this one 
I don't know how I just did that, but it's really spectacular
(Edited by GraphiteFingers42 on 06-16-2009 22:46)