This month,my work is to design a lot of different labels for our company.
But a I don't have any professional knowledge for this job. So I am finding some software
which are simple, easy and professional that can design bar code labels, such as
supermarket label,product label,book label and so on.
Anybody introduce one for me? Thank you very much!
how about Label Mm of my friend tell me it is really good! maybe you can have a try. he also don't have much professional experiences, but with this software, he said he can create an attractive lable! so if you want to learn more about it, maybe you can search it in:
Tyberius Prime
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with Finglongers
I saw the other thread and just about cracked up laughing.
"Oh, my design rocks with this easy to use software! It only took 3 days! Dance and celebrate!"
Selling something like this to a group such as us. I'm sure any of us could hack-out a bar code design in less than 1/2 hour using any number of softwares. The majority of us could do it using Photoshop, Illustrator, or pretty much any other imaging software without much effort.
What might be interesting is trying to do it HTML/CSS style. Up for some Zen Garden for barcode designs?
I heard from a friend of a friend, who was into shady dealing, that the site operates credit card cloning scams, and that it was the worst software he ever tried; badly coded and containing stolen code. It was obviously fake, and even flagged as malware by an undisclosed source.None of this represents my own opinion of course. S'just something I heard... or maybe read... somewhere I can't remember... *innocent whistle*(Edited by White Hawk on 07-20-2009 19:15)
Well ,you are wrong!!!
I just need some advice for a barcode software.
So i need some of you, who had expirent in barcode design to recommend me a kind of software...
I am not a spamer.