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xbox or ps?
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The PS3 has been sabotaged by Microsoft's aggressive game-license acquisitions. It is undoubtedly the superior machine... but it lacks the title library that Microsoft has zealously monopolised. I wouldn't bother with an XBox360, but that's because I'm a PC gamer, and all the games I really like for the XBox are available for Windows. Of course, between Games for Windows Live[small](*)[/small] and XBox Live hogging all the downloadable content, PS3 owners are forced to wait for game addons that may never come due to Microsoft's evil ways - the word 'monopoly' begs to be repeated. I have been playing Fallout 3 on my PC, and most of my games (Live or not) work perfectly well with the XBox360 controller I have plugged into my PC. [small]*- A fantastically successful scam that banks phenomenal amounts of money from hapless users who are forced to exchange real money for excessive 'points' packages that can't be refunded. As an example, if you should wish to purchase an addon that costs 800 points, you are forced to buy a thousand points; two hundred points (equal to their proportionate monetary value) now languish in your account - too little to purchase anything, but non-refundable (the money's already in Microsoft's hands). The only choice for someone wishing to make the most of their points is to buy more points... but there's no '600-point' package, so for another 800-point addon, you're still left with change. In fact, in order to ensure you've not wasted money on excess points, you must usually make more than three purchases... and then the issue comes up again the next time you want to purchase another addon! Still, you could always accumulate leftover points and use it to change you gamer tag or profile picture - only several pounds for those! *horror*[/small] It's a shame that the XBox360 is the way to go. To buy the complete package with all addons and extras (in other words, all the standard bits that are 'missing' in the basic package), you pay as much as a standard PS3 that already possesses all those 'extras' as standard, but instead of getting a truly next-generation console, you get a bespoke gaming PC made with off-the-shelf parts that cost Microsoft bugger-all to acquire. I actually prefer the Dual-Shock (not the weird banana) design used for PS controllers to the 'pillow' design of the XBox360 controller, but that's not perticularly important. My opinion is this; buy an XBox360 if you want to feel like a part of some great club (that sucks all your money, makes you think you're getting some sort of value for it, and stops just shy of brainwashing you into performing special tasks to cleanse yourself of Thetans) and if you don't mind perpetuating a highly successful sabotage campaign against a superior product. On the other hand, you could buy yourself a PS3 - get a well-priced Bluray player and truly next-gen console that is Linux-ready (yes, it has built-in support for installation of an alternative/secondary OS). The downside is that some ports will be inferior to their XBox360 cousins (part of the licensing agreement that Microsoft held for GTAIV, for instance, forced restrictions on the porting process that limited graphical performance/quality to something on a par with their own console, and introduced some frustrating issues into the PS3 version that would otherwise never have been present), and some games may never be available simply because Microsoft wanted you to join their cult first. Or do what I did - save up a bit more and buy a gaming PC that craps on both of them, plug in a 360 controller... and hope that you can handle the odd PC-based hassle that supposedly doesn't bother console users... or [url=http://uk.xbox360.ign.com/articles/673/673686p1.html]d[/url][url=http://www.articlesbase.com/computers-articles/getting-past-xbox-360-glitches-xbox-ring-of-death-fix-1040385.html]o[/url][url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xbox_360_technical_problems]e[/url][url=http://arstechnica.com/gaming/news/2008/02/xbox-360-failure-rates-worse-than-most-consumer-electornics.ars]s[/url] it..? Uh... yeah, buy an XBox 360 and be the proud owner of one of the worst products for failure rates and hardware/software issues/glitches ever known, with the consolation that at least the games that Microsoft hordes are great and varied... when they work, that is...
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