Well, I think it is not nearly as bad as the other type of spam we have been getting, but it is still SPAM all the same. The poster "mgladecki" is "Newly admitted" and is doing nothing more than advertising a website and magazine or on-line magazine.
It looks like this is a new venture so the main purpose of this post is to generate traffic and custom for the benefit of the owners. I doubt if anyone here would benefit from that site.
Having said that this mgladecki person may well be posting here for more altruistic reasons and may go on to become a valued asylumite.
Ohh look, is that a pig flying up to the tower?
At this point in time you have started two threads and made eight posts in total. The two threads have both been advertising your on-line presence and the posts have been you trying to defend your threads as not spam. Your very presence here is for the one and only reason of advertising. You want to make your site popular to generate traffic, the reasons for this I can only see as financial.
I am all for Photoshop tutorials and people trying to help others expand their knowledge. I have looked at both of the sites you have advertised here, am I'm sure they will help some people.
You are still spamming our beautiful forum. Do you not understand that joining a forum and immediately advertising your product is nothing other than spam.
quote: mgladecki said:
What do you mean - spam? It's a free issue. And a good read. I bet most of you guys already read it. Just trying to be nice over here. Best wishes!
"Just trying to be nice"? Well that is laudable but you are primarily trying to generate more traffic to your sites which will keep the advertisers happy.
To receive the free PDF one does have to register for a newsletter with an email address. I did so, and have viewed the magazine which is quite well presented with a fair few adverts, like most of its type. There was nothing there that I could not and have not found in the places I usually visit anyway, but I'm not criticising the magazine, I am criticising your methods.
Knowing your point of view I guess I see why this could be considered spam. But it just seems like a 'win - win' situation. I'm not telling you how much the zine costs or where you can buy it, I'm simply informing you about a free offer that you can take advantage of. Like I would tell a friend.
I have no reason not to trust your instincts, Tao - we share a common view in many matters. I think this is one of those situations where "it'll all come out in the wash" eventually. Regardless of intent, Mgladecki, you have operated upon exactly the same principle as any spammer - the only real difference is that you've had the decency (or audacity) to communicate coherently on the follow-up.
If you understand the nature of this forum, you know that it is a place to exchange ideas related to web design, Photoshop, and in no small part, philosophy. As much as your magazine suits the tastes of the inmates here, unless you are willing to share/divulge contents directly within the mute orange walls of the Asylum, linking to an off-site resource that requires any form of registration could be considered, at best, rather rude.
The point has been made many times in these threads that it is bad etiquette to simply drop links. Even in a matter of theological discussion, excerpts and relevant details are best shared without having to go elsewhere. If a passage can be quoted that is of some value to the thread, accompanied by a link to further information or sources only for relevance, then it serves its purpose without requiring the reader to leave their cell. The choice exists.
On the other hand, as your threads appear (to all intents and purposes) no more than promotion of off-site material, they fail to make any contribution that could be served by such etiquette. Do you plan to duplicate the contents of the magazine as regular features and articles that can be read within these forums? If not, then no choice exists - it is simply and undeniably advertising.
Thank you for the introduction to a site I never plan to use, but kindly accept the obligation to redeem yourself!
Your form of spam may not be as bad as the others and we could have a debate on the true definition of spam. For instance this is more specifically Forum Spam. You are trawling the net registering on all kinds of forums with the intent of generating traffic to all the instances of your (or your masters) web presence. We all know that money is at the root of this practice, not love
As White Hawk says you do not seem to understand forum policy. I do not think you are one of the evil spammers mgladecki but you really are misguided. Especially if you think you can fool the asylumites here that you are a regular good guy just passing by trying to spread the love.
Come on now, level with us, we will not bite, well, except for Wolfen. We will still welcome you with open arms to our forum. Just don't treat us and yourself as simpletons.
Ok, you got me. Hats off, Mr. Holmes. Yet another filthy criminal caught and embarassed.
Honestly? I don't even like doing this. But, like you say, we all know what the bloody root is. Hard times demand ruthless actions.
Tao the witch hunter strikes again! Shame mgladecki doesn't have the character to accept a 'welcome ... with open arms to our forum', but reacts to being roundly outed with a curt farewell. It seems the indignity of an impromptu trial and conviction overrides the possibility that he may have something of value to contribute. *sigh*
Well it appears mgladecki did not have anything else to offer but spam. If you are still peeking in mgladecki you should know that we all live in varying degrees of financial hardship, not just you. The "economic meltdown" effects us all.
You say "Hard times demand ruthless actions."
This is just not so and speaks volumes of what type of person you are becoming. There is another way, seek it out.
Cheers WebShaman,
I'm taking part in a peaceful protest on October 15th in Liverpool. To try to raise awareness, we are manipulated by this system and there are better ways to live our lives. Ah that's where I left the soapbox