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Dear mgladecki Your form of spam may not be as bad as the others and we could have a debate on the true definition of spam. For instance this is more specifically Forum Spam. You are trawling the net registering on all kinds of forums with the intent of generating traffic to [b]all[/b] the instances of your (or your masters) web presence. We all know that money is at the root of this practice, not love :) Check it out: [quote] http://www.planetphotoshop.com/forum/search.php?searchid=601867 http://www.photoshopgurus.com/forum/search.php?searchid=89630 http://www.programmersheaven.com/mb/flash/396329/396329/ffd-mag-goes-free/?S=B20000#396329 http://www.flashadvisor.com/forum/search.php?searchid=86198 http://actionscript.org/forums/search.php3?searchid=10949928 http://photoshopfaceoff.com/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=16995&sid=fd3e2a7980f213a29b447df9e26caf2c http://forums.freebsd.org/showthread.php?t=5149&page=2 http://psworkshop.net/psworkshop/forum/display_topic_threads.asp?ForumID=1&TopicID=513&PagePosition=1 [/quote] This was the result of a five minute search I have no wish to spend any more time on you. Check the page source on the two mags. [quote]http://www.photoshopretouchmag.com/ http://bsdmag.org/?r[/quote] As White Hawk says you do not seem to understand forum policy. I do not think you are one of the [b]evil[/b] spammers mgladecki but you really are misguided. Especially if you think you can fool the asylumites here that you are a regular good guy just passing by trying to spread the love. Come on now, level with us, we will not bite, well, except for Wolfen. We will still welcome you with open arms to our forum. Just don't treat us and yourself as simpletons.
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