From: Insane since: May 2001
posted 10-31-2009 00:20
Trying to get used to The GIMP, and I'm starting to get the hang of it. Here is a photo that I just finished playing around with trying to do an "Out of bounds" effect.
Thanks C:\
I like the effect I think it is also called "Breakout" in some places. There is something nagging me about the overall effect. I know you have not asked for a critique but this is just your friendly neighbourhood Tao thinking out loud, the way I do do.
Not sure if it's the shadow, no I think it is the border around the "frame" perhaps if it was closer to the actual image or even actually on the edge of the image and perhaps a tad darker it might give the overall effect even more impact.
Having said that I've not actually tried it myself and to be fair I think I should. Still, I do like what you've done and you have inspired me to try the technique myself.
Although the dog does look friendly, those jaws would scare the bedoobies out of me if we were face to face
Great effect!
Have to agree with Tao and WS about the DS, I would try removing it from the pooch layer and apply it to the layer containing the photoframe.
I had a little play trying out this style, it's rather a tricksy effect but I'm happy I tried because it gives me a good insight to the difficulties involved. To begin with it works better with some images than others.
Thanks once again for inspiring me C:\ I'm going to search my HD for suitable photographs to apply this effect to and practice more.
C:\ I have not actually followed this tutorial through yet but I trust Pixel Addiction. I plan on following the tut in the next few days but I thought I'd post it up anyway as it may be of use to you, I know it will be useful for me
I think perhaps I should have asked you earlier C:\ if it was OK with you if I also tried this technique and posted the results here in the thread you started. I feel fairly confident that you'd say "of course, go ahead" but I'm also aware that I may be in danger of "bogarting" the thread.
I've always liked this image effect and planned learn it but never got around to studying the techniques involved. So you inspired me at just the right time and this is the result.
I have so very much got to get another pair of spectacles especially for computer use. You'd laugh but I've just had to put another pair of glasses on over the pair I already have on to be able to see that! Still, I should have checked properly, Thanks for spotting that SleepingWolf.
[edit]OK updated the amended image now I'm off to the opticians to get me some Mr Magoo spec's[/edit]
cool work, I reflect a lot of the previously stated sentiments in regards to some of the changes, and in case I missed it, I would think that a shadow for the background image would help to really pop out the 3d a little more.