Hi there.
For your enjoyment, one of my recent toys :
Wu lines with feedback, mblur, and mah pocket 3d engine. Have to decouple matrix maths, other than that, this 4k thing
is acceptable and a funny toy play with. The api is clean and lean, so I can derive stuff from it pretty easily.
But that's not my question (I will post it with a GPL type license sometime).
My question is about water : following is a super-tsunamis simulation.
Physically, this is partly accurate. But there are two extra factors to throw in :
- frontal waves do pass through each other but...
- if there is a bias, they accumulate. How can I factor that in?
- near coasts, the part which is underwater "collides" against the rising sea bed, causing a slowdown, and what we see when we witness is a tsunami impact. This is called "water refraction", because that's exactly what it is, the refraction of a signal - that signal is the propagation of pressure variations in water.
How do I factor that one in? And sorry for posting in the js forum, it seemed to be the most appropriate.