Monthly Pride
This is something that I used to run on other boards a long time ago. It started out as weekly, but that was too much. Monthly seems to be a good time-frame. At the end of every month, folks would talk about things that they accomplished and were proud of. It wasn't bragging and gratuitous back-patting - it was genuine pride chat.
Why in Phil & Sil? Because pride seems to be a philo subject with most folks. I've met more than a few folks that think that pride is a sin. I've gotten into more than a few debates about it. Some good chats, but also some "heated discussions". There is a lot more to it, but accomplishment, pride, sin, and humility is a completely different thread. I'll leave this to one of you kind folks to open and start up.
What did I accomplish and am proud of this past month?
One thing that I haven't talked about on these forums (or any place online) is that I have gotten heavily into knotwork, braiding, and anything to do with string/rope/yarn. Duck to water and all that. All branches. Everything.
This includes Turks' heads and globe knots (spherical coverings). Someone gave me a complete set of pool balls. I designed a mix between a turks head and globe knot using paracord. It all fits perfectly together and is unique. I am proud of the design and execution. However, I still have yet to get my hands on different coloured paracord for the different coloured balls and finish the set. But it is designed and I can do it. Proud of these first few steps.
Another thing that I accomplished that I am proud of is fixing a drain. In my new situation, a drain went all clogged and stuff. It took a few days, but I managed to stay calm and get it flowing again. Might not sound like much to some, but it was a big deal for this old house and my (new) significant other.
Last big thing is that I learned how to brown rice. I *love* cooking with rice and I have found myself at a whole new level with browning. My wok is da bomb! My new-found cooking skillz actually gets me some smoochies! Wooo! I never thought I would be so excited about cooking. I love being able to cook something awesome... smoochies just bonus.
What have you done this past month that you are proud of?