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Asylum Yearbook Differences Pages that link to <a href="https://ozoneasylum.com/backlink?for=4609" title="Pages that link to Asylum Yearbook Differences" rel="nofollow" >Asylum Yearbook Differences\

Everything explained here:

The Yearbook page

If you want your pixel person hosted then don't email GRUMBLE or post it in a thread in the Asylum use the form on the page above to submit it.

If you need to create one see the link below:

Relevant links:

+This link is no longer relevant as www.stor.co.uk doesn't seem to exist any more.


Additional information (by GRUMBLE) :
The Yearbook page now weighs about 200k already and is growing constantly as people are added. I know, this is very much, but i didnt find another solution yet. It is updated from time to time, depending on how many people are in the "queue".
If there is anything else unanswered or a problem with the page, you can email me or contact me on ICQ.

Since the stor.co.uk site is down, the upload on the yearbook page has been disabled.


Relevant threads:

Pixel People

Pixel People Two

Pixel People Three


personalpixelpeople5: personalpixelpeople strike back

personalpixelpeoplesix - CALLING ALL ASYLUMNITES!

personalpixelpeopleSEVEN - ladies and gentlemen, we have a new world record!

p e r s o n a l p i x e l p e o p l e - v i i i

small yearbook update

yearbook: another small update

Adding the yearbook and World locator Map to the Asylum

(Added by: GRUMBLE on Mon 06-May-2002)

(Edited by: GRUMBLE on Mon 06-May-2002)

(Edited by: Emperor on Wed 28-Aug-2002)

(Edited by: GRUMBLE on Sat 14-Sep-2002)

(Edited by: Emperor on Sun 03-Nov-2002)
(Edited by GRUMBLE on 10-07-2004 09:48)
+(Edited by hyperbole on 04-26-2005 22:56)

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