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Odd formatting Pages that link to <a href="https://ozoneasylum.com/backlink?for=4847" title="Pages that link to Odd formatting" rel="nofollow" >Odd formatting\

It might be a temporary feature (I notice that the layout is being changed) but the formatting here is out:

How do I make smooth rounded inside corners?

Edit: and here too!!


Well, I can't see anything wrong with it right now, it just might have been me, shuffling stuff around, breaking things in the progress, fixing them again... (ok, next time, I'll do the bug fixing at 0500 some lonely moring...)
so long,
--Tyberius Prime

(Edited by: Tyberius Prime on Tue 21-May-2002)


Hah! I saw that too. But it is almost 0500 in the morning here :P, nice alterations btw.

(Edited by: Dracusis on Tue 21-May-2002)

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