Welcome to the OzoneAsylum FaqWiki
The Wiki
Even Lunder
As lund as one can be.
I can see the point of no return
hay look what I found!
How low can you go?

Good question. Pages that link to <a href="https://ozoneasylum.com/backlink?for=4954" title="Pages that link to Good question." rel="nofollow" >Good question.\

On second thoughts, bad question. Never mind me.

DS: *shouts: Help, hears a echo about 10 times* ...er..... I think this can turn into a BIG problem, don\'t you think?

That\'s why we\'ll build a esay-to-use wiki reorganizer pretty soon... just let me learn java, guys.
(btw, there\'s no limit to the depth of this thing... only the aslyum server space actually. (or, the limit for the ids... 4 billion, I think) --Tyberius Prime

(Edited by: Tyberius Prime on Tue 21-May-2002)

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