Hi. This page is devoted to my growing pear family!

Breakfast of the Champs!
Then some people started to abuse my pears... So they donned chain mail suits as a defence.

But sadly that didnt work too well so they became suicidal...

Finally, after many pears had been brutally killed, my babys had to go on the offensive...

Mah pears got tired of war... so they decided peace was much better....

Well.... Drugs did their toal... and the pears were forced to become Janitors.
This one is dedicated to VeePee
This was for... um... I dunt quite recall... but it is a little weird.

Ah Yes, and Ode to DG...

(Added by: eyezaer on Sat 28-Sep-2002)
(Edited by: eyezaer on Thu 16-Jan-2003)
(Edited by: eyezaer on Mon 28-Apr-2003)
(Edited by: Michael on Mon 28-Apr-2003) |