This page's ID: 5419
Welcome to the OzoneAsylum FaqWiki Frequently Asked Questions Asylum General Who are the inmates? WebShaman
Yes, we here at the Asylum have started a D&D campaign...using OpenRPG...and I must say, it's great! My character is named Ulik can read all about him, and the other characters, as well, on Tikigods page... Here is a Journal of our adventures... Here's a few of the 'Mins' (Miniatures) that we have created for our game... Ulik Stonehammer Telanna Indemar Josan And here is a list of the Squad Members - WebShaman Suho 1004 Skaarjj Tikigod Njuice42 And the DM Veneficuz And for D & D miniatures, take a look here My D & D miniautes (Edited by: WebShaman on Thu 13-Feb-2003)
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