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GrythusDraconis Pages that link to <a href="https://ozoneasylum.com/backlink?for=5466" title="Pages that link to GrythusDraconis" rel="nofollow" >GrythusDraconis\

Welcome to my cell. It's round and padded so we don't hurt ourselves when we play. Have a seat and I'll tell you something about myself.

I'm 26 and I live in Minnesota, USA. Currently I work for an architectural firm that does interior space planning. I started looking around Ozone around '98 when I was trying to learn something about graphics and webdesign. That same effort prompted my return and Lo and behold.... There was an asylum there waiting, beckoning for me to enter. Just what I needed, pills, shock treatments, and lunatics, psychotics and mad scientists that could understand me. Look me up some time, it'll be fun.

(Edited by: GrythusDraconis on Thu 05-Dec-2002)

(Edited by: GrythusDraconis on Fri 28-Mar-2003)

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