How do I add an shortcut to an MS-DOS prompt in the shell meny so it opens in the directory you are in?
(Added by: OlssonE on Tue 17-Dec-2002)
Well assuming the thing you want to do is adding a command called "Open Dos box from here" to the folders' context menu this is what you have to do:
1. Open the Registry editor (Start > Run > "regedit" > OK)
2. Navigate to the "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTDirectoryshell" key
3. Add a new key and call it "Open Dos box from here" or whatever you want the option to read (Edit > New > Key)
4. Select the new key and create another one which you call "command"
5. In the "command" key, double-click "(default)" and enter this command: "cmd /k cd %1"
Now when you open a folder's context menu in Explorer you should see a new option; click it and you have your Dos box.
(PS: If this is the answer you were looking for then please let me know and I'll create a seperate FAQ node for the question to avoid confusion in here )