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What do other people say about the Asylum? Pages that link to <a href="https://ozoneasylum.com/backlink?for=5557" title="Pages that link to What do other people say about the Asylum?" rel="nofollow" >What do other people say about the Asylum?\

From the original Wiki:

The OzoneAsylum is the premiere discussion forum for all things graphic on the net.

It's located athttp://www.ozoneasylum.com and consists of just the forum right now. No fancy webpage spun around.

It features the flair of a true mad house, with the 'inmates' stealing each other's pills, drawing on the walls and being just generally a bit off whack.

There are some very talented people there. Oh, and it belongs to Doc Ozone, a webpage creator who likes to smoke lots and cig.'s and drink lots of coffee while he is busy killing cats and eating their brains.

It also features a wiki dedicated do being a faq. Seehttp://faq.ozoneasylum.com for this.

And from everyone at somethingleet (after some comments on the colour scheme here):

Ozone is very oldschool he was around when I started learning what a computer was and he was old then I guess they just like keeping their forum that color cause it's his colors

Ozone was l33t before there was l33t.

hes that l33t!

oh yea like PRe-1337, uber even

i bet hes so l33t, his pants have l33t tattooed all over them.

Relevant links:

Us watching you watching us


(Added by: Emperor on Fri 21-Feb-2003)

Tyberius Prime: I should note that I'm partially the author of above quote from the original wiki... the cat eating part wasn't written by me, though.

(Edited by: Tyberius Prime on Sat 22-Feb-2003)

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