I'm also going to try and map out one of the smaller galaxies, or at least find the pattern in the layout of the sectors.
OK, so I figured a few of them out
Some are easier than others to find your way around...
#24 (the 16000 sector grid).
It's simply a 2 dimensional grid that measures 50 X 320.
The links increment by 1 in the direction of one axis, and by 50 in the direction of the other axis.
#5 (the 1000 sector ring).
It's just a cylinder (with nothing it the middle) that is 4 wide. Think of 4 circles side-by-side. The links increment 1 going across it, and by 5 going around it.
#13 (the 2000 sector binary cube).
There are two distinct cubes, each measuring 10X10X10. Sectors 58001 - 59000 are in one cube, and sectors 59001 - 60000 are in the other cube.
The links increment by 1 on one axis, by 10 on another axis, and by 100 on the third axis.
The catch that took me a little while to figure out was that there are two places the two cubes connect. Think of the two cubes diagonally (with respect to all three axis), so that they are lined up with exactly one corner connected by a link (the link from 59000 to 59001). But there is also a link between 58001 and 60000. So the closest two corners are linked, and the farthest two corners are linked.
#25 (the 16000 sector hexacube) is real similar to the binary cube, except there are 16 cubes, each 10 x 10 x 10. They are linked together diagonally, the same way the binary cube is, with the two endpoints connected.
#26 (the 8000 sector ultra cube) is just one huge cube, 20 x 20 x 20. The links increment by 1 along one axis, by 20 along another, and by 400 along the 3rd axis. NO corners are linked to other corners (ie. sector 144001 is no linked to 152000, or vice versa).
#7 (the 2000 sector cubic necklace) is another group of cubes (go figure), 16 cubes of 125 sectors, each 5 x 5 x 5, links incrementing by 1 on one axis, by 5 another, and 25 the 3rd. The ends are linked same as the hexa cube and binary cubes.
The next two I only have a formula for the links.
#1 (1000 sector spiral).
Every sector contains links to 6 sectors.
If you are in sector #X, there are links to: #X-100, #X-10, #X-1, #X+1, #X+10, #X+100.
#6 (1000 sector, 1 way half spiral).
Every sector contains links to 3 sectors.
If you are in sector #Y, there are links to: #Y+1, #Y+10, #Y+100.
I've started working on mapping them out in 3-D, but it's proving to be a bit of a hassle... Something may turn up eventually...
I only have the ring type right now, but hey, it turned out pretty good if you ask me
Warning: You need a VRML viewer to see the .wrl file,
Warning2: The only screenshot I have up right now is a whoping 185kb,
So, if one or neither of those phase you, here's the link:http://courses.cslab.utpb.edu/practice/SST/SST.html
*sidenote* If we do this again, let's have someone make this list first, and then find a galaxy with just 1000 - 4000 sectors. I can see if getting kinda tricky to defend 16000, especially when we can't (at the moment) accurately map out the "x-exit 1 way" or "cluster" galaxies.
The ones that seem the easiest to defend are the cubes (the Cubic Necklace in particular).