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*Red Mists* Pages that link to <a href="https://ozoneasylum.com/backlink?for=5734" title="Pages that link to *Red Mists*" rel="nofollow" >*Red Mists*\

[edit] Just like "The Tao that can be told, is not the eternal Tao". In re-reading this, I find that it is not exactly what I wanted to express, nor as lucid as I would have liked, but it does contain the essence, I and trust you will decern the truth in that. [/]

I have to confess that:

Even though I believe with all my heart and spirit, that a peacefull, calm and considered respect for all living things is essential, not only for my personal well being and happiness, but for all, on this little blue planet.

That anger, is usually the first emotion that takes hold of me at times of discord. An anger that sweeps all thought of consideration and respect for others aside, with an ease that shocks me.
These "Red Mists" are a shamefull thing, I am not proud of them. They are a negative and unworthy act.
In this world we are in, right now, here. It is far too easy to say things "in the heat of the moment" click a button, and it's done. Almost without thought, we can spew our worst thoughts out into the world and very seldom retrieve them without hurting others.
The internet thrives on instant communication.
Considered thoughts and respectful judgement does not.
So I ask you to forgive me if I have been too quick to judge, or said things that perhaps should have stayed unsaid, and understand that I am working toward overcoming this stupidity, and with your help, will succeed.

(Edited by: Taobaybee on Fri 20-Jun-2003)

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