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Server Side Coding

Wouldn't it be terribly easy to decrypt a .htpasswd file? Pages that link to <a href="https://ozoneasylum.com/backlink?for=5738" title="Pages that link to Wouldn&amp;#039;t it be terribly easy to decrypt a .htpasswd file?" rel="nofollow" >Wouldn&#039;t it be terribly easy to decrypt a .htpasswd file?\


The values stored in the password file are being created by a mathematical 'one-way' function from the password you give.
Later on, the password the user enters is put through the same one-way function, and then it is seen wether the two results match.
There's no way to efficently find a valid password given the result of the one way function.

also see 'man crypt' on most unix systems.

(Added by: Tyberius Prime on Sat 21-Jun-2003)

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