Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 05-14-2003 01:43
Baby has been sick past 4-5 days. Doc say she has a few more to go. Haven't been getting much sleep as a result. Medicating her with that nebulizer thing sucks.
I'm already a stay-at-home dad, but this is getting insane. No time for this; no time for that. Believe me, you don't want to know the last time I had a chance to take a decent shower. If I want to bathe, I either sacrifice a few precious minutes of sleep, or take the little one with me. Now, you would think that there would be a law saying that a parent has to spend at least 20 minutes alone in the bathroom with out consequence.
Today is Woman's day off. What does she do? She goes gambling at the casino for 12 hours while I stay at home with the kids. Happy fucking Mother's Day. But I can't complain too much because Woman usually lets me sleep all night on Father's Day.
She just got back from the casino.
She took the kids to get some McDonald's for dinner.
I've got 10 whole minutes to myself.
Make that 8.
Gotta go.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: The northeast portion of the 30th star Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 05-14-2003 02:38
I could book a vacation in 8 minutes or less. I feel for ya though, I'm a single dad and know what it's like. It gets a little easier as they get older.. kinda, maybe, sometimes. Hang in there, it's worth everything you put into it. 
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: In your Hard Drive; C: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 05-14-2003 03:10
Had that same situation before, we used to make my baby sister sit with that nose tube from nebulizer on since my mom gave birth to her, she had bronchitis before, but thank god she's fine now...I used to see mom without any sleep all day nor as my dad, then he had to go to job. And we had to go to the hospital to visit my mom and my sister. I even saw her with those tubes sticking out from her body, she was in the *what's that room called again, where they would put babies in to?*
I wish that she'll always be fine. forever.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 05-14-2003 06:25
Fight the good fight, Warjournal...it's worth every second. I know the lack of sleep is hard...very hard. But that little life is depending on you...
What you are doing, means more than anything else. Though you receive no money, it's the most worthwhile thing there is.
Kudos, man, you have earned it. You have my respect.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: In your Hard Drive; C: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 05-14-2003 06:29
You have mine too! I'm proud of what you're doing about your child's health. Some father out there just don't give a f**k about their children no more.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: buttcrack of the midwest Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 05-14-2003 06:57

The fun has just begun, my man.
And you can sleep when you`re dead. Free time is overrated.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Charles River Insane since: May 2002
posted 05-14-2003 08:11
I have two. They are not babies anymore, well, one of them looks like a big baby but she's not anymore. One is four, the other is more than twom both girls, little girls. I love them too much. Every boring minute that they may cause (and they do cause) will pay later, because they are the best thing in the world. Be patient. It pays. And it will only get better, until it will start to get worse, I've been told (when they become a 'teen').
In my country we use to say: It's not enough to be a father, you have to participate. I don't know if it makes sense translated by me, but that's the message.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 05-14-2003 08:15
quote: It's not enough to be a father, you have to participate
Amen, viol. Wise words...
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Sthlm, Sweden Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 05-14-2003 09:27
Something seems very familiar here...
3 kids here (6, 3 and 0,5 yrs old) that translates to 6 years of not enough sleep, no time of your own and constant "discussions" over who does what and if it is fair or allowed and so on...
Still, when you come home and the kids smiles at you and runs to give you a hug... 
That's a feeling that cannot be compared to anything.
{cell 260}
-{ a vibration is a movement that doesn't know which way to go }-
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: wales Insane since: Mar 2003
posted 05-14-2003 13:46
Hang in there warjournal, it will and does get better in different ways. You will get your freedom back bit by bit. You then just become a referee, as DMS may very well know lol. And that mentally gets you down lmao. My youngest is 18months and she has been the greatest worry since been born. I have had two long hospital stays with her and had to learn to tube feed her. But she is also the funniest out of the three kids, she has me in stitches........... so yes its worth it, but when sleep deprivation sets in, its hard to see the wood from the trees. I'm just glad i've got my last teething over and done with. Now.........for the potty training ugh!!!
[This message has been edited by pink (edited 05-14-2003).]
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 05-14-2003 14:51
Normally I would just bite the bullet and bide my time. But 2 weeks of no sleep is a real sucky thing. However, last night the baby slept all night long! I watched some Kung Pow, fell asleep on the couch, and got 8 hours of uninterupted sleep. Man, I feel so much better.
Being the father that I am is tough. My neighbors, the folks I see when I'm out with the girlies, give me lots of encouragement. I'm no longer "that Mexican with the baby", but I'm somebody that they stop to talk to. Kind of weird how things work sometimes.
No matter how tough I think I have it, my neighbor lady has it tons tougher. Her 4 year-old is major hyper active. She literaly has to be on a leash, or else she *will* get run over by a car. And her 19 month-old is the opposite to the point of needing medical help. She's got both extremes with two girls and the taxing experience shows.
Anyways, the baby is doing better and so am I. Thanks, folks.
Believe me, I've got plenty more to say, but morning break is over.
Rameses Niblik the Third
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: From:From: Insane since: Aug 2001
posted 05-14-2003 15:02
I don't know how I'd go as a dad. I require very little sleep, but I can also lose patience very quickly. I like kids, but not the way Michael Jackson likes kids. I wouldn't mind a family, as long as everyone chips in.
Having said that, I'm too frickin' ugly to have kids anyway. I can't even get a blind date, I'm so weird looking. I'm like Don Adams crossbred with Tobey McGuire, but without the acting capability. When women see me, they run. Away.
Oh well, such is life...

Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: wales Insane since: Mar 2003
posted 05-14-2003 15:49
Im glad your feeling more positive warjournal, and i guess there are people who are always worse of than you, and i guess that kinda makes you get through another couple of days before everything overwhelms again.
At the moment wednesday and fridays are my worse days, as my oldest two have after school activites. Football and swimming. Football because its now outside come wind rain or thunder. Taking an 18month old who wont sit still for longer than 1 minute who also wont put up with bad weather (me included) is not fun! Grit teeth time. Same with the swimming, constantly running around after the baby means i dont actually get to see my kids swim . Grit teeth time!
Rameses: Awwww come on......... i refuse to believe that. where can i see a pic of you i'm sure your fine 
[This message has been edited by pink (edited 05-14-2003).]