Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: In your Hard Drive; C: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 03-03-2004 01:17
I applied for it and I got a call last night asking whether I could be interviewed today at school, but I said no, I won't be at school after 12noon 'cause I have a course with Bremer Tafe for Graphic/ Web Design.
Hopefully they'll call me back next week, as she said she'll be.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: AČ, MI, USA Insane since: Nov 2001
posted 03-03-2004 01:27
chances are she'll call back.
Good luck!
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: :morF Insane since: May 2000
posted 03-03-2004 07:07
Hey, nice going there. Good luck on getting it.
Remember, if you get it, loyalty is a very good thing to have. Once you finish your traineeship, stick with the company you're in for a few years. It looks very good on a CV
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Insane since: Jan 2004
posted 03-03-2004 09:49
Yes good going.
Explaining to our global friends, its Australian qualification. TAFE is like a colledge.
"The future is not written in stone.
It is written day by day,
What are you writing today?"
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: there...no..there..... Insane since: May 2001
posted 03-03-2004 15:24
Great going Yannah!!!!! Hopefully she does call back and thinks of the reason you gave for not coming is a good thing.
Keep us informed of the progress.
~Binary is best~
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: In your Hard Drive; C: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 03-04-2004 02:00
I still haven't got a call from her, man I wish I do get it.
Thank you guys for your support.
Wulfius you titled her "Annicka" right? I got a drawing titled the same on my visual diary. And I've never seen your space in devianart before, never. until now.
G*d that's spooky.
[This message has been edited by Yannah (edited 03-04-2004).]
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Brisbane Insane since: Jan 2003
posted 03-04-2004 18:14
If you have her number, call her, preferably in the morning around 9:15am as that's usually the best time to catch someone when their not too busy or in a meeting.
If someone ever calls you for an interview like this and you have an engagement you can't get out of don't hang up until you negotiate a different meeting time. Most schools will grant you time to attend such things anyhow, that's assuming your grades are affected by your attendance (which is considered a rather arcane practice in tertiary institutions nowadays). If it's TAFE, just let the teacher know that you can't make the class due to an important engagement, skip the class and pick up the notes form your teacher next time you're at college.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: In your Hard Drive; C: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 03-05-2004 03:05
Yeah, I realised that after the call. Thanks though.
I still haven't got a call, yet...
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Insane since: Jan 2004
posted 03-05-2004 05:38
Shes called ANNIKA. Close enough.
Whats your visual diary addy?
The www.suecideminds doesnt seem to be it.
Wouldnt mind checking out your visual diary.
"The future is not written in stone.
It is written day by day,
What are you writing today?"
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Brisbane Insane since: Jan 2003
posted 03-05-2004 05:52
I believe Yannah is referring to a diary of the paper kind. Most design courses make you maintain a visual diary of sketches and doodles of your work to show the progress and development of the design ideas that go into your finished products. It's actually a really good habbit to get into. I've managed to fill about eight 200 page a4 diaries in the past 2 years.
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Insane since: Jan 2004
posted 03-05-2004 09:34
Oh cool!!!
Thanks Cameron!
It is a great idea.
"The future is not written in stone.
It is written day by day,
What are you writing today?"
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: In your Hard Drive; C: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 03-08-2004 02:59
Suicideminds.com isn't working anymore.
Yeah, Cameron was right, it's in my a4 sized Visual Diary...but I called her "Annicka", don't know why. And also I made an anime character of my younger sister. I just copied the photo which turned into an anime drawing. This hand is f*cked, it isn't used to realistic images. But I have drawn some, I just don't like them.
Interesting fact is, I hate all of my drawings.
you can have a look at my "weirdly" parts of my art piece at.
[This message has been edited by Yannah (edited 03-08-2004).]
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: In your Hard Drive; C: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 03-12-2004 03:09
She hadn't call yet.
But I called the office yesterday and they said they are interviewing somebody already for it, and told me to call this certain person, what am I gonna do? I want that one.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Insane since: Jul 2002
posted 03-12-2004 04:34
I think you shouldn't have missed your chance...when there is a chance always try, dont let it just go by.
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Brisbane Insane since: Jan 2003
posted 03-12-2004 06:37
If they've already started interviewing, then I think you've missed your chance. Most companies will usually call around; gather resumes then short list the ones they actually want to interview by the quality of the resume they provided. Only the people that get shortlisted get an interview.
The processes of getting a job are ruthless. You have to bend over backwards to get noticed. When you do finally get noticed, you have to make a hell of an impression to stand out against the crowd. Employees get swamped by millions of applicants for jobs like this, so you really do need to go out of your way to show that you're worth a second look for the position.
You could try getting in contact with the person who first called you, but I wouldn't get your hopes up about it. If you're studying and TAFE but you'd like to move into a traineeship position then you should regularly check the notice boards in and around your faculty, the college may even provide an online job connection service which you could look into. Also be sure to let your teachers and the course coordinators know that you'd be keen move into some kind of traineeship position if one ever comes up.
I did the same thing when I was at TAFE studying an AD in Civil Engineering *shudder* (my apologies to any civil engineers, it just wasn't for me), as I wanted to get out there and see what working in the civil engineering environment was actually like. Turns out I hated it, and later switched to something else but I got that traineeship job mainly because I let everyone know that I was looking for something like that. My drafting teacher sent me an email about the position, and offered to provide a reference for me, apparently one of his friends worked for this company. I practically had the job already, but I did my homweork, reseached the company, preparded questions about the company I wanted to know more about and responses to questions I may get asked and all the rest. I probably spent about 8 hours preparing for an interview that lasted all of 15 minuites, and I nailed it only to find out I didn't want to be a bloody civil engineer. But hey, not everyones perfect.
[This message has been edited by Cameron (edited 03-12-2004).]
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Charles River Insane since: May 2002
posted 03-12-2004 08:02
When you put your "course with Bremer Tafe for Graphic/ Web Design" ahead of the interview, my opinion is that you threw your chance away for good. I wouldn't hire someone that had done what you did, unless I had no other option (a few other people interested in the job I'm offering). It's a matter of priorities.
Learn from this experience.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: In your Hard Drive; C: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 03-15-2004 05:39
I had my interview this morning. but it's for Certificate II in IT around Stones Corner.
She said (the interviewer, wil call me by the end of today. Wish me luck!
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Charles River Insane since: May 2002
posted 03-15-2004 06:05
You're lucky, already.

Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: In your Hard Drive; C: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 03-16-2004 05:34
I didn't get any call due to my sister using the internet. I was soooo mad...Who knows she might have called....AAAAHHHHH!!!
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Brisbane Insane since: Jan 2003
posted 03-17-2004 00:05
You use dial-up and don't have a message bank setup?
Well that's just silly. I don't even think Telstra charges for thier message bank services anymore.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: In your Hard Drive; C: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 03-17-2004 01:00
Interviewers don't leave messages incase you have noticed yet. "If you didn't get the job, it's your own fault" that kind of saying.
Yes we do have them... But it's ok, it's in an internet cafe anyway...E-Storm at Stones Corner.
[This message has been edited by Yannah (edited 03-23-2004).]
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: In your Hard Drive; C: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 03-23-2004 05:54
I can't believe that I've applied for Certificate III in Floristry...it's not even what I want to do, but I want to learn nature that's all...I'm freaked out when I realised what I just did.
G*d Help ME!
What do you think I should do?
I have Graphics Assignment due on Monday 29th, and it was given this monday 22nd.
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Insane since: Jan 2004
posted 03-23-2004 14:26
I think you should sell all your earthly possesions and go for a year to backpack in India.
This will give you a bit of perspective just how lucky you are and how silly it is to ask
strangers on the net about what to do with your life ;D
"The future is not written in stone.
It is written day by day,
What are you writing today?"
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: In your Hard Drive; C: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 03-24-2004 00:35
I've already thought of that, asking people on the net about my life is really silly. But thanks, I don't wanna go to India...after I graduate, cos I read on the news that an australian woman was killed by her taxi driver over some money.