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Topic awaiting preservation: loading an image from diff server - how to hide status bar message? (Page 1 of 1) Pages that link to <a href="" title="Pages that link to Topic awaiting preservation: loading an image from diff server - how to hide status bar message? (Page 1 of 1)" rel="nofollow" >Topic awaiting preservation: loading an image from diff server - how to hide status bar message? <span class="small">(Page 1 of 1)</span>\

Bipolar (III) Inmate

From: Chicago
Insane since: Jan 2003

posted posted 03-28-2003 05:41

Hi all,

on one of my web-pages, I load a gif file from a different server, which I would like to keep "secret." Is there any way to not have the url of the picture seen in the status bar of the browser?

I have seen a short script that mutes the status bar when onmouseover-ing a link, so I am thinking it can be done.

That script is :


function hidestatus(){
return true

if (document.layers)

Bipolar (III) Inmate

From: Missoula, MT
Insane since: Jan 2003

posted posted 03-28-2003 17:40

To do what you are thinking, you would have to use something like...

<script type="text/javascript">
function checkstate(objImage) {
//in here you check the state of the image
//I forget offhand what the options are...
//and then clear the statusbar if it is "loading"
<img src="differentserver.jpg" onreadystatechange="checkstate(this);" />

And now, back to your question.

You cannot keep the server "secret". I don't know why hiding the status would even be relevant. Everything is still in the code.

Josh Morey

soli deo gloria

Maniac (V) Inmate

From: under the bed
Insane since: Feb 2000

posted posted 03-28-2003 18:18

Yup, plus people can simply check the image properties if they're interested.

Of course my two biggest questions would be -


Why are you pulling an image from a different server inthe 1st place? Is it even your image (if not, then we've got a whole boatload of other problems here)?

Why do you want to hide the fact that it is coming from a different server?

Bipolar (III) Inmate

From: Chicago
Insane since: Jan 2003

posted posted 03-29-2003 00:29

Well I suppose this is best explained by showing you my webpage.

the page looks best in 800x600 and will show up outside of the website's frameset.

The image of the moon in the upper right corner is the one that is coming from a different server. It is updated every 4 hours to show the actual current phase of the moon. I had been looking for a java applet that would do this for a long time, but the only one I found has additional statistical information about the moon that I didnt want.

this picture of the moon is from a US Navy Observatory website and they offer it for anyone to pull. Just to make sure, I emailed them about it too.

I was just thinking that the website would look better presentation-wise if I could mute the status bar here. But if anyone has a better solution (like a java applet) Id love to hear it also.

I am trying to create the environment of going to the beach late at night. Once the moon thing is solved, I can move on to the TEMP - which is to the right of the moon. I want to display the current air and water temperatures of a beach near me. (sounds weird, I know, but I have a couple of ideas on how to do it)

any ideas?


Bipolar (III) Inmate

From: Chicago
Insane since: Jan 2003

posted posted 03-29-2003 00:39

I forgot to mention that the right-click is disabled on this page too.

Maniac (V) Inmate

From: under the bed
Insane since: Feb 2000

posted posted 03-29-2003 01:12

1) How does hiding the status bar help the presentation of the site? Look at it this way - if you're site is so uninteresting, and/or so slow to load, that people are watching the status bar, yo uhave bigger issues than whether or not they see that the image is coming from a different location.

2) Don't disable the right-click. It is one of the most annoying things that a person can do to a website, and it serves absolutely no purpose whatsoever except to piss-off the people who use their context menus a great deal. Anything that I can do with a right-click, I can find other ways to do - so it saves you nothing.

3) Again, I don't get it - you're using an image that belongs to someone else. They gave you permission - great. No hassle there. But why try to hide that it comes from them? I just don't get it...not trying to give you hard time or anything, just doesn't make sense.

Lunatic (VI) Mad Scientist

From: Massachusetts, USA
Insane since: Mar 2000

posted posted 03-29-2003 01:14

What browser shows the URL of the image when you hover over it with the mouse?

Regardless, I would suggest you focus your energy on the visual presentation of the web site rather than little things like the status bar. Especially because you don't want to remove browser features that your viewers are used to, because it confuses them.

I am also against disabling right-clicks, because anyone who wanted to take parts of your web site are doing so for one of two reasons:
1. They want to steal it and use it for themselves.
2. They want to read the code, and perhaps learn from it, or maybe use an image as their desktop background.

The people in group #1 can get around it easily. The people in group #2 will be annoyed by it. So basically, you're not preventing anything with it, and you're making legitimate viewers of your site frustrated.

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