Thanks guys, works like a dream:
final code:
function exturl() {
// var copyRight="Jon Burger - [url="]"[/url]
var isOp = (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('opera')!=-1)?true:false;
var dL=document.getElementsByTagName('a')
var a=dL[i-1]
if(!a.href.indexOf('http:\/\/') && a.href.indexOf('http:\/\/'+location.hostname)){
if(nuWin && !isOp)nuWin.focus();
return (nuWin)?false:true;
Basically I got sick of having to add xhtml compliant 'open in new window' code to all the links to external pages on my site so I created this. It was written by me then I updated the actual window opening function to only return false if the new window has opened, if not it returns true and the link acts normally. That method:
if(nuWin && !isOp)nuWin.focus();
return (nuWin)?false:true;
was partly from a concept by some other guy. Can't remember who tho - what is the copyright issues with that? he didn't have a notice in his code tho - it was just a web tutorial/article thing. I'm not worried about how many people use my code which is very simple anyhow, I'd just like to keep my name on it for pure ego reasons 
If anybody can see any possible issues with this code other than lack of older browser support then let me kno.
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