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Honestly, when I read your post I thought : "[i]well, go buy 'web design & development for dummies'[/i]" and refrained to post something that harsh. But it feels good to say my inner thought. Glad to see [b]Slime[/b] expressing it in more polite words. As [b]Slime[/b] and [b]CPrompt[/b] said, your wife should search a class of design, communication, advertising, "multimedia", computer science or something in the same vein. It depends of your location, the academic/profesionnal background of your wife, the amount of time she is willing to spend in her search for the Holy Grail, anyway if you live nearby a big city she should be able to find a university/school providing some courses in the above mentionned domains. I hope you don't really think that becoming professional happens in a slapping of fingers and that it's just a problem of language that lead us to think otherwise. A professional deals with some difficulties, the endless change of mind of the clients, some technical/schedule constraints ... that kind of things you don't really learn in tutorials. Cheers, [b]Mathieu "POÏ" HENRI[/b] [This message has been edited by poi (edited 10-28-2003).]
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