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GN: Some thoughts: 1. Trying to look up your site for certain keywords can prove frustrating and a pain (esp. if you can't find them). 2. It seems to have indexed only a selection of your pages - it might have you on the list "Come back later and do a proper index someday but you know how quickly the Internet is growing". 3. All the pages it has in the cache seem to be those with poor navigation and point on to other sites or are dead ends. It seems possible that the Googlebot is getting in and then either disappearing somewhere else or haivng to back track. Make sure each page has full navigation - it also makes your site look more consistent and is easier to maintain). 4. Don't try and second guess the mind of a women and that goes doubley for search engines and their wiley ways. If that was me I'd install proper navigation on my pages and then see how that works - I'd also try and get other people to link to the different pages so the Googlebot can sneak in at various points in your site. ___________________ Emps [url=http://www.the-emperor.org]The Emperor dot org[/url]
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