Okay, I actually posted a bit about this before at http://www.ozoneasylum.com/Forum5/HTML/000131.html
This is my first real full-site design job, and the customer wants a price range quoted to him within the next few days. The last site I did was for my dad's business, and he paid me 12$/hr. (That site is www.drisson.com )
So, the site is for a house-call veterinarian who practices holistic medicine, standard medicine and accupuncture.
He wants the following, so far:
1-An animation/scrolling image intro (Flash/Javascript I assume)
2-Around 4 - 5 pages of information, contact info, and links to other sites
3-Another page on a charity group, with info on how to donate.
4-Search Engine submission/placement work.
5-Potentially some write ups and editing of text
6-And finally, maybe some general links to his publications on the web and his credentials...
I don't really see anything in all of this that should be hard at all. But I also have no idea how long of a job it is, really.
How do I figure all of this out? Help?