From: Czech Republic via Bristol UK Insane since: Feb 2002
posted 07-17-2002 13:35
Cant complain but need input
OK This is the story so far
Have a client needs a website done in french and english.
whats the web site book store (initial phase no e commerce but facility to place orders on site) payment by bank cheque etc .... no e banking
client has no IT Skills at all so this is my approach to site please throw some ideas my way database for books
2.create dynamic web site allowing searching for books,shop cart style interface for ordering, also an admin page for client to easily add/amend/delete data on the database using a web browser. and email will be hosted on my server. in an easy upgrade path to ebanking etc at a later stage.
this is the first project i haver undertaken in this type of web site any tips helps etc greatly appreciated.
also costing, client will populate database, i have to create company logo stationary from scratch he has none so need a ball park figure
Pricing will vary on client needs (10-15+ pages)
Database driven
Possible shopping cart
Possible Membership site
Secure server
Traffic monitoring
Corporate Identity Package $1,800
Printing not included
3 logo samples
3 business card samples
3 envelope and letterhead samples
2 hr. Consultation
3 minor sets of revisions
3 Color proof
Artwork included on Disc