Hey hey, it's been a while since I've posted, been so busy with school as of late :\ Speaking of which, I'm working on a video game project for school, it's a 2D fighting game based in the future. The fighters are actually huge robots that fight in a city (after all, the humans are gone, why not!). The team ( 7 of us programmers ) are almost to an alpha stage in the development and are getting tired of looking at our stupid programmer art
Time for smoke and mirrors!!
So we are looking for an artist (or two) who can whip up some nice level art (only one level), sprites for the character's limbs, and possibly box/manual/trailer video art. Now I've seen you all working on your art around here for a long time and so I figured I would throw this out for someone here if anyone is interested. We are on schedule to be at beta stage at the end of march which gives us 2 months to get art in. In any case, this will be a finished product in 2 1/2 months.
More specifically, we are looking for some futuristic mech/robot style characters, a pretty well destroyed city, and just something cleaver for box and video art.
As for motivation... I know nothing is as motivating as cash, but unfortunatly we are students, not a company :\ However if the thought of how FUN it will be to work on a game isn't enough, we are shooting to have the game on the Digipen website... which is the top school for game programming in the US (according to several magazines I've read
and home of yours truly. This will give a lot of exposure for everyone involved.
Well if you are interested, please feel free to drop me an email - drakkor_1@hotmail.com