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yak: I was hoping for an answer like that as that is the big thing that makes a difference (not fancy layouts or bells and whistles) and if you have a good team and a strong flexible back end. I like the idea of a simpler design - look at Google for example. Features (probably ripped from what works elsewhere): 1. Meet the submitters (profile pages for your most prolific submitters) makes it more personal and you might get into the stuff they find so just follow them. 2. Ranking - get people to vote on the sites. 3. Hit logging - know the most visited sites. 4. User comments - give each link a page and allow people to post their ideas and feedback. 5. Message boards so people can discuss things. Basically provide as much room for user input as possible and allow people to be able to serve up the sites in different ways (category, votes, visits, by submitter, etc.) so make sure your DB is flexible enough to allow this. Oh and promote your ass off. Emps [img]http://www.miscminutiae.com/sig/emps_oz_sig.gif[/img] [b]A good buttock will always find a bench for itself[/b] - Estonian proverb
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