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new final pages and in need of coding tips
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This [url=http://koti.mbnet.fi/~powder/v.0.02/]http://koti.mbnet.fi/~powder/v.0.02/[/url] is what I am currently working and I've decided to keep this stuff. I'm looking for very simple help I guess... I need help in coding. I'm really rusty because not learning any html or other coding stuff in a long time. So if you'd be kind enough and check out this "graphic design" section [url=http://koti.mbnet.fi/~powder/v.0.02/graphicdesign/graphicdesign.html]http://koti.mbnet.fi/~powder/v.0.02/graphicdesign/graphicdesign.html[/url] and let me know if my style sheet's are okay. And if not how to change them. I also need some help in the basic things like is it okay to put all the font tags in the places in the text where I want to change text color or something or is there "easier" way to do it?! I'd be stoked if some one could even give me a link to some tutorial pages or something! These pages are still hevily underconstruction and all help in the coding stuff is highly appreciated! Thanks! -Time is always against me- [This message has been edited by nt (edited 02-05-2002).]
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