Think I remember this one from a while back at the GN. Anywho...
Splash page: *sighhhh*... seriously people, you don't need one.
Best viewed with Internet Explorer
Don't be silly, your site looks fine in other browsers. This disclaimer does nothing but show that the designer of the site is too lazy to test in other browsers and/or doesn't care.
disable any pop-up or javascript blocker you may be using
No can do. You shouldn't be popping things up, anyways. I like the window I'm currently using just fine.
I still don't understand the obsession with splash pages. Seriously, if I hit a site with a splash page, I back out. It's just the way I'm wired. But since you're requesting a review...
Doctype: Get one.
Encoding: Got one. Good for you.
Background: Try darkening the image so that the dark area is true black. That way it blends in with the background, instead of sticking out like a sore thumb. Play around with brightness/contrast until you get it looking good.
Frames: I don't like them. They remind me of the 20th Century (*shudder*). When designing a site, ask yourself "Is this really necessary?" If not, get rid of it.
Horizontal rules: I don't like them either. I suppose it's a matter of taste though...
Hmm, that's it for now, I've got to go. Keep your code clean! (Oh wait, you're using FP, aren't you?...