Ok, I've had this problem multiple times in the past and I've just given up...
but.. I want to give it another shot..
I have a div and I want it to hug the botom of the browser window, which is done easy enough unfortunatley I cant get the div to then consume 100% of the width of the browser window, I try setting width:auto; but that does nothing
setting it to 100% sets the div t o100% of the browser but also adds padding + margin + border giving me a horo-scroll.
I've found a way to get around this in Opera and Mozilla, giving it a container and setting the width to auto, and setting my bottom hugging div's left and right posistoning to 0 unfortuantly IE isnt happy with this..
is there a cross browser fix for this? Im really at my wits end..
an example can be found at http://the-bronze.me.uk/trig/