Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Czech Republic via Bristol UK Insane since: Feb 2002
posted 01-13-2003 13:52
OK so here is the scoop!!!
Skaarj and myself are starting to make a short film in 3d, based on the scene in "The Fellowship of the Ring" in the Halls Of Moria, where the party is surrounded by an Orc Horde, and the the Balrog appears. We will be posting our progress here so you all will be able to follow our adventure in film making. At the moment we are at the story board stage,working out scenery,characters and lighting and camera angles etc. So watch this space....
Lunatic (VI) Mad Scientist
From: Massachusetts, USA Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 01-13-2003 15:58
That sounds awesome. What software will you be using?
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Czech Republic via Bristol UK Insane since: Feb 2002
posted 01-13-2003 16:11
for the 3d work, 3D Studio Max, Texture work Photoshop, Post Production Adobe Premiere
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: 127 Halcyon Road, Marenia, Atlantis Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 01-13-2003 18:03
lemme know if I can help..
don't know with what, but let me know just the same..
Code - CGI - links - DHTML - Javascript - Perl - programming - Magic - http://www.twistedport.com
ICQ: 67751342
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Czech Republic via Bristol UK Insane since: Feb 2002
posted 01-13-2003 18:14
Petskull thanks, well as i posted up in the asylum thread i am waiting for some hosting to kick in so i can show some of what we were working on today
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 01-13-2003 18:49
Need props? I wouldn't mind try to model, map, and texture some props.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Stuck inside a Pixar short film Insane since: Apr 2001
posted 01-14-2003 04:39
OMG! *orgasm* About time something like this happens at the Asylum! My main forte's are compositing, colour grading, sound, and editing and really any other film stuff. Plus Im bloody good at concepts. Although Skaarjj and I aint on the best of terms at the moment, if you do want any help than Im certainly up for it.
"You don't know how paralysing that is, that stare of a blank canvas, which says to the painter: you can't do a thing." - Vincent Van Gogh
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Czech Republic via Bristol UK Insane since: Feb 2002
posted 01-14-2003 12:40
well here is a sneak preview of a development shot,moria scene built by skaarj,textured by me,orc by me, converted from poser file to 3D studio MAX format
edit:a link would help
[This message has been edited by tomeaglescz (edited 01-14-2003).]
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Stuck inside a Pixar short film Insane since: Apr 2001
posted 01-14-2003 13:32
WOW! Looks really promising, just to be picky, where is the light source coming from? I like the pose and columns.
Hurry up, I want to see more..
"You don't know how paralysing that is, that stare of a blank canvas, which says to the painter: you can't do a thing." - Vincent Van Gogh
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Czech Republic via Bristol UK Insane since: Feb 2002
posted 01-14-2003 13:55
the light source it coming from where the fellowship party will be, there are two light sources, one from gandalfs staff, and one from a torch
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 01-14-2003 20:33
Got the e-mail, but I'm weird and am going to reply here.
The last "big" thing I did was myroom3.jpg. Around 98% from scratch (recognize the wood texture?). I've learned a few more things since then.
What I'm going to do is dig through my archives, clean a few things up, and post. Looking at a few days depending on the Girlies and Woman.
Gotta go.
Lunatic (VI) Mad Scientist
From: Massachusetts, USA Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 01-14-2003 22:38
I regognize it's a work in progress, but the first thing I noticed was the way the bases of the pillars don't match up with the floor. =)
Also, try to do more with the lighting. But this is a good start!
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Oblivion Insane since: Sep 2001
posted 01-15-2003 02:07
WJ you dumbass, show them pui pui damnit. Then they'll know your true power, level... Heh.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: :morF Insane since: May 2000
posted 01-15-2003 02:08
That's because I haven't merged the models yet Slime 
That will be the next step, becuase to do t I'l going ot have to up the poly count of that floor by about 1300 unless we want the base of the pillars to deform in the welding.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 01-15-2003 05:03
Pui Pui is rather irrelevent for several reasons. Besides, anybody that was paying attention already knows about him. And, anybody that knows me, can find out rather easily with out any help. Thanks for the thought, though.
I resurrected one of my old meshes. Something I did real quick for a UT mod. Don't know if it was used or even if the mod made it off the ground. Rather low poly and could stand a bit more mesh work, like chamfered edges.
So, my focus has been on the material. Mainly the blade itself. Barely scratched the surface on the rest of the model. Painted 6 maps for this little bugger.
I did a test animation of a light moving over the top of them and I am really impressed how it plays across the blade at different angles. A still shot doesn't do it/them justice.
I'll keep hacking away in an attempt to impress.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: In your Hard Drive; C: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 01-15-2003 06:44
they look great wow are you gonna publish them all, when?
"Trust" is a dirty word that comes only from such a liar but "respect" is something I will learn...if you have faith!!
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Czech Republic via Bristol UK Insane since: Feb 2002
posted 01-15-2003 09:51
first off:Thanks everyone for your input.
This was a test to check scale etc, that scene so far was put together in a few hours and is in its very first stages. I ahd planned on using several different 3d packages to do some of things that i wanted to do, and piece it all together in premier, but now my friend is going to do all the editing in his video editing suite.... YAY we got a professional editor in on the act.
OK i am breaking with a lot of my original plans here, and going to work 99% in Max, when skaarj wakes up or comes online i am going to have a quick chat with im about something, so all you #D Studio max guys keep ya eyes peeled because we will need you...
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Phoenix, Arizona USA Insane since: Jan 2003
posted 01-16-2003 01:34
That is definaltely gonna be a sure winner. Great design and graphic rendering.
And the hard russian judge says 9.9 / 10 great job guys can't wait to see the final product. HUZZAH! 

Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Czech Republic via Bristol UK Insane since: Feb 2002
posted 01-16-2003 15:20
Any Max users out there want to help with some character studio rigging???
We are using Max 5 and CS 3
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 01-16-2003 15:24
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Czech Republic via Bristol UK Insane since: Feb 2002
posted 01-16-2003 16:47
Poser model purchased from Renderosity Nzrac by ToxiCAngel , converted to max format by me, animation rig (character studio3) by me.
This is going to be one of the bad asses in moria, it took a long conversion process, first had to export as .3ds, then link all parts together, then set up the character studio biped, then scale it to fit model.
But now i have very fine control over the model, and weeee i can use the crowd control setup in cs 3
[This message has been edited by tomeaglescz (edited 01-16-2003).]
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Czech Republic via Bristol UK Insane since: Feb 2002
posted 01-16-2003 16:55
wj contact me on q or messenger my icq # is 177329048
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 01-16-2003 17:40
Nice work, peoples! Keep it up!
Lookin' good...can't wait to see more!
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 01-16-2003 20:56
Did some chatting with Tom. blah blah blah <-- actual transcript
Skaarj, I sent you an e-mail with some questions.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: :morF Insane since: May 2000
posted 01-17-2003 03:35
And I've sent off a reply.

Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Richmond, VA Insane since: Nov 2000
posted 01-23-2003 05:08
Now, lemme just start by saying that I don't wanna piss on anyones cornflakes, especially at a place that has taught me so much. And I must say that I am looking forward to this finished product. But... I've been into Poser for 2+ years now and something struck me as kinda odd about the statement ",orc by me,". Granted, tom gave credit where credit was do in his second image... orc by Toxicangel but, something still left me a tad uneasy about the first linked pic. In just a few seconds of searching at DAZ3D.com, I found the following pics that earliy resemble the gentleman in the pic and his clothing.
Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3
Even if I'm wrong about the my first pic, you'd be hard pressed to convince me that the guy in the tom's first pic isn't a slight variation of DAZ's Michael model. Either way, unless tom works for DAZ, they're not his original creations. If I'm wrong, I humbly apologize in advance and afterwards I'll run off with my tail between my legs... until it's safe to show my face again. I just wanna make sure that people get properly credited for their work.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with Finglongers
From: Cell 53, East Wing Insane since: Jul 2001
posted 01-23-2003 05:19
Shard: Interesting idea and there is nothing wrong with raising questions about stuff (it helps us get to the root of the creative process) but Tom's fist pic:
is a little long distance to tell (it could be a picture of my big toe or some old chewing gum for all the detail there is ).
Also the use of Poser does raise questions of who has done what - unless you actually built the model from the ground up then someone else will have had some input in there somewhere and most of the major models tend to be based on Michael (not you the Poser model, urmmm no still not you) but as mentioned above I'm not sure how you can tell from the little teaser (unless I've missed something?).
Anyway never be afraid to ask (be afraid of the flesh eating weavels that live under the toilet seat). Anyway I'm sure Tom can answer these questions better so........
FAQs: Emperor
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Czech Republic via Bristol UK Insane since: Feb 2002
posted 01-23-2003 11:31
Am i missing something here????
quote: well here is a sneak preview of a development shot,moria scene built by skaarj,textured by me,orc by me, converted from poser file to 3D studio MAX format
Hmmm Shard can you read this????
quote: converted from poser file to 3D studio MAX format
hmmm maybe i am missing something.....
So as i said i converted it from a poser model, maybe i should have said the Daz 3D Model based on michaels figure, But as i said i had "converted it" not created it, that that would have been enough for people to see i was not claiming credit for someone elses's creation.
I am not gonna leave out credits or claim the work is a creation of my own, it was an adaption like practically every model out there; now the toxic angel orc is in fact based on michael its a body morph, But the work he did on the original michael figure made that version of it HIS...
Now the conversion i did, which took a hell of a lot of work, as MAX 5 will not allow a straight import, was a conversion thats it (not creation)..
i was simply pointing out which parts of the scene had been done by whom, Set by skaarj, orc by me...
what the fuck is it with some people round here??????????
[This message has been edited by tomeaglescz (edited 01-23-2003).]
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: :morF Insane since: May 2000
posted 01-23-2003 11:57
Whoa, whoa, whoa...calm down mate. This is just once, and I don't think it's 'people around here'
But anyway...Shard, he's significantly changed the ToxicAngel model anyway, so it's now his work. He did credit that he'd adapted it, did everything he legally has to doand morally should do, so don't think that we're going to pull him up short for not doing anything wrong.

Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Czech Republic via Bristol UK Insane since: Feb 2002
posted 01-23-2003 12:11
and for further clarification purposes here is the daz license click the license faq...
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Richmond, VA Insane since: Nov 2000
posted 01-23-2003 12:32
See, this's precisely why I don't like to bring up stuff like this. I don't like getting someone's panties in a wad and getting on someone's infinite bad side... it's typically not my style. Lemme address some of the issues that have been presented.
quote: I'm not sure how you can tell from the little teaser
I've been working with Poser several times a week for the last 2+ years. That's not to even imply that I'm some kinda expert, just that I notice some things that the casual user would not. It's kinda like when someone from the Photoshop forum can so easily tell when someone is using filters rather than creating effects from scratch.
quote: maybe i should have said the Daz 3D Model based on michaels figure
That would've helped me understand what you were getting at. I just chalk it up to neglecting to say something that probably should have been said. It's not a huge issue, just something I felt strong enough to say something about.
quote: And I must say that I am looking forward to this finished product.
I do think ya'll are doing a great job on this project. Maybe I was a little harsh in my first post... not wrong... but harsh in my presentation. I'm not one of those 3D elitists that insist that every model be made from scratch in order for it to be considered real artwork. I can tell you all have spent a lot of time on the project and, as I said, it wasn't and isn't my intention to "piss on anyones cornflakes". I was mainly just looking for clarification. With the increasing amount of newbies that come to this forum, not everyone is gonna know that the guy in the pic is an adaptation of Mike and his Changing Fantasy Suit. And, especially now that DAZ and Curious Labs are cracking down on their copyrights, it may be worthwhile to be as specific as possible to avoid problems in the future. Have you read the original Poser 5 EULA? It's rediculous and comes dangerously close to saying that any work created within Poser is not eligible for copyright due to the fact that it was created within Poser. Tell me how insane that is. Curious Labs has since modified the EULA because of the artists' uproar but, it'd still be worth the time to be a little more careful.
Anyway, I'm sorry if I got anyone's feathers ruffled. I just wanted to clarify some things. I appreciate the opportunity to do that. Good luck on the project guys... I can't wait to see it completed.
[This message has been edited by Shard (edited 01-23-2003).]
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Czech Republic via Bristol UK Insane since: Feb 2002
posted 01-23-2003 12:40
just a final comment on this....
As long as you do not sell, modify or place a model in direct competion that has been adapted or converted wfrom a daz 3d model, you arefree to do what ya want with a 3d model from daz...
In a 2d enviroment, such as a rendered image you have total unrestricted license to do what you want with it (the model that is) wihtout giving credits...
However, just for clarification prposes again, take a look at my renderosity gallery (poser section) you will see i always give credits even when not necessary 
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Stuck inside a Pixar short film Insane since: Apr 2001
posted 01-23-2003 14:26
Bloody technicalities and who said what 
"You don't know how paralysing that is, that stare of a blank canvas, which says to the painter: you can't do a thing." - Vincent Van Gogh
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Czech Republic via Bristol UK Insane since: Feb 2002
posted 01-23-2003 14:46
agreed, luxor!!!!! lets get this back on track, unless anyone else wants to twist what i posted or add further comments, its ok but try and keep em brief
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Richmond, VA Insane since: Nov 2000
posted 01-23-2003 16:04
quote: twist what i posted
I sincerely hope that is not an insinuation on my posts. If so, it appears you didn't thoroughly read anything that I posted and, it's possible that I may have given you too much credit. My intention wasn't, isn't, and will not be to twist anything that anyone has posted... simply to point out a detail that appeared to be left out that I found needed clarification. That's all. This is no terrorist plot against you, tom. By all means, let's get back to the intended topic. I'd even recommend starting a new thread so as not to shadow an otherwise great work of art.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Czech Republic via Bristol UK Insane since: Feb 2002
posted 01-23-2003 16:28
Shard its ok it wasnt aimed at you personally, maybe i am a bit on edge... this is getting a very large and complex project and skaarj and i are working our asses off on it, its just recently in other threads not necessarily this one, things have been taken out of ciontext by some people or misread and accusations have started flying. as for the starting of a new thread, no reason for it you had a valid point you felt needed rasing, the matter has been resolved as far as i am concerened so lets move past it...
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Richmond, VA Insane since: Nov 2000
posted 01-23-2003 17:54
**Phew** Now back to your regularly scheduled program. I appreciate your candor, tom. As a matter of fact, now that we've cleared the air, like I said, I've got a bit of experience with Poser... if there's anything that I can do to help, let me know. If nothing else, I look forward to seeing your progress.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Czech Republic via Bristol UK Insane since: Feb 2002
posted 01-23-2003 18:15
Shard, we are taking some models, exported from poser as .3ds, then importing them into 3d studio max Version 5, where we are re asembling them, modifying them, then using character studio 3 to rig them and animate them. Unfortunately the easier way round would have been to use the daz 3d max plugin, or maximum pose as interface sofware. However' as they both dont work with 3ds max 5, all the rigging and animation has to be done in max, which means all body parts exported separately, then textured and reassembeld into 1 mesh in max.
The rest is being created within max itself, and the only problem is it would be ILLEGAL for you under the daz license to distribute the models to us even in 3ds format. Unless we have exactly the same models.
[This message has been edited by tomeaglescz (edited 01-23-2003).]
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Houston(ish) Texas Insane since: Jul 2000
posted 01-23-2003 18:57
quote: Unfortunately the easier way round would have been to use the daz 3d max plugin, or maximum pose as interface sofware. However' as they both dont work with 3ds max 5, all the rigging and animation has to be done in max, which means all body parts exported separately, then textured and reassembeld into 1 mesh in max.
I don't understand the bit about exporting as seperate body parts and reassembling. Why not export as a single mesh? Texturing issues?

Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Czech Republic via Bristol UK Insane since: Feb 2002
posted 01-23-2003 20:54
Yep, thats correct on a lot of the poser models that are made the textures are a wierd setup so if you export as a single mesh you cant apply the textures...although the 3ds is made up of several body parts they are all in the right place when imported into max.
so what i do is for example export as parts, in max apply head texture for example, then select all body parts, apply the body texture, uv coordinates stil intact (cos of the 3ds format) , to all of them in one go.
now i have the choice of which way i want to go animation wise..
i can either
a. link all parts and use autobone and use inverse or forward kinetmatics, and use max's auto bone feature.
b.create one solid mesh and use character studio's biped and physique plugins to animate.
Porting from something like poser or lightwave to max is great if ya have the plugins, but as there isnt yet an interface plugin for max 5 yet to read pz3 files, then this is the way it has to be done.
[This message has been edited by tomeaglescz (edited 01-23-2003).]