![]() Topic awaiting preservation: it's not like anyone gives a shit... (Page 1 of 1) |
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist From: *land |
![]() but i need a space to bitch in for a moment. |
Paranoid (IV) Inmate From: outside Augusta National |
![]() Snow? What snow? |
Paranoid (IV) Inmate From: A graveyard of dreams |
![]() Last week we probably had an avarge temperature of about -5 degrees Ceclius and we got 20-30cm of snow. This night it rained, so all the snow has now gone and flooeded the nearby river. Luckily no water got into our basement as it usually does |
Maniac (V) Inmate From: Seoul, Korea |
![]() It's supposed to get down below xero here tomorrow (Celsius, that is). |
Maniac (V) Inmate From: The Land of one Headlight on. |
![]() Autum where I am is unusually warm and sunny. Very disconcerting in many ways because we live right on the edge of the rain forest and by this time we've usually had at least some rain... which softens the sponge (my term) and prepares it for the inevitable downpours. But if the rains start now... come hard and fast... I'm afraid we're in for some flooding and slides...and of course power outages. These past 3 - 4 months have been the driest on record since 1925 I think it is. Gotta luv dem greenhouse gasses. ~puts another log on the fire~ <g> |
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist From: New California |
![]() Well, I live in sunny SoCal and I just got my car detailed yesterday... and it rained. It ain't snow but it's as close as we get here. Besides you have more important things to worry about, like that sock puppet sneaking up behind you! Look out! |
Maniac (V) Inmate From: under the bed |
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Paranoid (IV) Inmate From: North Coast of America |
![]() In early October, we had a couple of 90°F (around 30°C) days. Thursday this past week we had an overnight low of 27°F (-3°C or so) and a daytime high in the mid-30s (2 to 3°C). That's a drop of about 15°F per week. |
Maniac (V) Inmate From: Oblivion |
![]() Well its getting nippy outside but it aint snowin yet. |
Paranoid (IV) Inmate From: West Texas |
![]() The weather here is very predictable... Well, kinda. In January, you can say we won't have any rain from the end of March until it rains sometime in October, and you'd be right, every year, and the lowest temperature we will get in that time will be rarely ever be outside of 75F and 110F. And then it'll snow about once every 2-3 years, the week of finals in December. |
Lunatic (VI) Mad Scientist From: the Psychiatric Ward |
![]() GARRRRRR I just broke my favorite guitar pick. frickin frick bah. |
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist From: Mi, USA |
![]() izzy hendrix has a ring to it! heh |
Paranoid (IV) Inmate From: Dallas, TX |
![]() Here we get snow maybe once every two years, and if we're lucky it actually sticks to the ground. |
Maniac (V) Inmate From: Cell 666 |
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Maniac (V) Inmate From: Brisbane, Australia |
![]() 36 degrees ceclius here :P |
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist From: Happy Hunting Grounds... |
![]() Here it just rains, and rains, and rains.... |
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist From: From:From: |
![]() You're right. I don't give a sh*t. I haven't seen snow in nearly 6 years. |
Maniac (V) Inmate From: Seoul, Korea |
![]() 36 degrees, Drac? Isn't that a tad warm? Is it always that hot in spring down there? |
Paranoid (IV) Inmate From: Czech Republic via Bristol UK |
![]() Well about 6-7 weeks here and then we should have snow on the ground untill march/april |
Paranoid (IV) Inmate From: Greensboro, NC USA |
![]() good ol' NC has had a nasty drought all summer, and now our usually crisp cool autumn has been turned into a slushy nasty chilly mess because Mother Nature is trying to make up for the damage already done. Ordinarily, temperatures are mild into November, and the nastiness waits until January and February to make it's appearance. I feel gypped somehow... |
Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate From: I exist only inside my mind. |
![]() Isn't this the El Nino year, though? It's not a specifically strong one, though, but it's still there. The U.S. drought is the worst that it has been in a generation.. I heard that the average worldwide temperature has only risen about 1 degree since 1900, which isn't that bad, considering that's the time during which we've become so industrialized.. However, in geological terms, one degree can mean a lot.. and that is, after all, just worldwide.. It could be much higher and much lower in some areas... Just a degree or two can change how fast the world's glaciers and icebergs melt.. and in the long run, it makes a big effect. All the evidence seems to be contradicting your fear of it getting very cold.. when you should be fearing it getting extremely hot. |
Paranoid (IV) Inmate From: West Texas |
![]() Well, that was a nice 3 weeks while it lasted... We got a whole 4 inches of rain since early October |
Bipolar (III) Inmate From: Arlington, Virginia, USA |
![]() Well here in DC we are supposed to get snow on saturday..right now it's really cold here all things considered. I think we are on the hard winter year ..it cycles every few years ..normally it's sunny and wonderful until end of december..NOT THIS YEAR ...i'm kinda digging it though *L* |
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist From: :morF |
![]() Actually SUho, 36 degrees is quite common in QUeensland as they go into summer. Really, up there there is no summer, automn, winter and spring. There's just the 'dry season' and the 'wet season'. When it gets wet, it gets humid, and when it gets humid, the temperature soars. |
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist From: the bigger bedroom |
![]() here in sydney, it's getting close to summer, and we have days in the high 20's (degrees c) most days... |
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist From: :morF |
![]() mmmm..love a good mango....and once the outer felsh is gone, if you feel like staying hydrated you can suck on that big pip in the middle. |
Paranoid (IV) Inmate From: Nairobi, Kenya |
![]() I've Never seen snow, at least not in real life! |
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist From: Happy Hunting Grounds... |
![]() Well...the rain seems to be letting up here...probably because it is now freezing cold! Grrr! Nothing worse than having the scratch the ice from the car windows in the morning...man, I hate that...and then, once again, when I get ready to drive home... |
Paranoid (IV) Inmate From: Greensboro, NC USA |
![]() Kaboi, you haven't missed a whole lot. For skiing, snowboarding and what not, snow is great. Pretty to look at too. But after a few days in the city, it just gets nasty and slushy and grey, and you can't wait for spring to get here again. The only reason I like snow is when it snows enough that we get to stay home from work for a day or two... That doesn't happen too too often here in the southeast US. |
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist From: |
![]() Some of my cousins can up from Texas one fine winter. Man, it sure was funny seeing how they reacted to snow. One year I went down there for a few days. Got up one morning and it was around 45°F. I was fine, but everyone else was freezing and wearing sweaters and all that. Wimps. |
Paranoid (IV) Inmate From: Greensboro, NC USA |
![]() People's perceptions of temperature are so interesting. I was born in New York, and when we first moved down to NC, we would be running around in November wearing shorts and T-shirts and barefoot because as far as we were concerned, it was warm. You wouldn't catch me doing that these days! |
Maniac (V) Inmate From: The Land of one Headlight on. |
![]() WebS: Get some of that windshield washer concoction designed for winter. Has alcohol in it I beleive....but don't just put it all in the car.... fill a spray bottle with the stuff. By the time you spray the windshield...walk around the car spray the other windows....the front window has damn cleared it self already...and scrapping the other windows is a piece of cake...and sometimes no even needed. Works like a good thing. <bg> |
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist From: Happy Hunting Grounds... |
![]() Yup. Already got that...but sometimes, it doesn't help much...freezes so solid here, it's amazing...need a jack-hammer to clear the windshield... |
Maniac (V) Inmate From: Washington DC |
![]() I just moved to outside of Washington DC. I have been living in Texas for over 10 years. I can't wait for the snow. Ahhhhhh |