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Perfect Thunder
Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: Milwaukee
Insane since: Oct 2001

posted posted 03-31-2003 14:30

Via Textism, so if you read that you've already seen this.

There is a logical fallacy involved in hypothetical conversations like this one, of course -- the defender of the deprecated opinion can easily be written as getting flustered by the interlocutor's jabs at his position, whereas in real life, the hard-right warmonger character would have simply held up a solid wall of patriotism and rhetoric.

The other problem with satire of this type is that no matter how much satire gets produced, there's absolutely nothing we can do or could have done, barring a full-scale revolution, to prevent this war from going off.

Obviously, we could have avoided having a presidential race so close that the outcome was cast into irrevocable doubt; and by the way, since Nader split the vote, we can safely assume that the combined liberal vote was greater than the conservative vote. (Remember how the Republicans started running pro-Nader ads?) As for me, I'm never voting for a spoiler again. Right now, if you look at it that way, the administration is not representing the majority of Americans, since the majority voted for either Gore or Nader.

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: Happy Hunting Grounds...
Insane since: Mar 2001

posted posted 03-31-2003 14:35

Yes PT...that's well known, along with the Replicans hiring a private company, to track down and 'disqualify' the black vote in Florida...and 'awarding' the company (which was small, back then), with some juicy funding, and proposals...

Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist

From: KC, KS
Insane since: Nov 2002

posted posted 04-01-2003 16:30

What the hell is a Replican?

Perfect Thunder
Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: Milwaukee
Insane since: Oct 2001

posted posted 04-01-2003 16:47

You know, like "replicants," the androids from Blade Runner. I think WS was making a subtle dittohead slam on the Republicans.

Erm, or it could have been a typo.

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: Happy Hunting Grounds...
Insane since: Mar 2001

posted posted 04-01-2003 19:40

Play on pelican...'nuff said...just like the demicrats...hehe...

Actually, I don't really belong to any one party...both have their merits, and drawbacks...

I guess one could lump me among the liberal republicans, though...if that's important to anyone...

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