Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Vancouver, WA Insane since: Apr 2002
posted 04-29-2003 01:45
...Hmmm. We had a big discussion about religion in German class for the last week or so. In any case, the teacher asked me to gather a bunch of facts relating to Satan, the origin of Satan, the origin of the world Satan, Satan biblically etc...In any case, I have everything covered, web pages bookmarked and printed, except for one thing, a list of names, or a page of names, comprehensivly, that Satan has been called throughout history, and that other cultures have called a Satan-like entity. If somebody has a list like this, it would be greatly appreciated.

Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: A graveyard of dreams Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 04-29-2003 02:19
You probably have these allready, but just from the top of my head I remeber:
- Lucifer
- Devil
- Lightbringer
- Fallen Angel or The chief of the fallen angels
- Grand Adversary of Man or the Adversary of God
- Prince of darkness
- the Archfiend
- Beelzebub (but I think this mostly refers to some big demon in hell and not Satan...)
- the Tempter
- the Accuser
"There are 10 kinds of people; those who know binary, those who don't and those who start counting at zero"
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Yes Insane since: Feb 2001
posted 04-29-2003 02:25
The Morning star... or is it Mourning star?
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: [s]underwater[/s] under-snow in Juneau Insane since: Sep 2002
posted 04-29-2003 02:40
George W. ....... something or another. ???? Or perhaps we could just go with "he who shall not be named"
Moon Dancer
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: The Lost Grove Insane since: Apr 2003
posted 04-29-2003 02:49
Here's a list of names...
Names of Satan
[This message has been edited by Moon Dancer (edited 04-29-2003).]
Rameses Niblik the Third
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: From:From: Insane since: Aug 2001
posted 04-29-2003 03:09
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: 100101010011 <-- right about here Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 04-29-2003 03:16
Moon Dancer wins the cookie
.:[ Never resist a perfect moment ]:.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Insane since: Jul 2002
posted 04-29-2003 03:22
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Seoul, Korea Insane since: Apr 2002
posted 04-29-2003 03:27
You discuss Satan and religion in German class? Wow, I don't remember doing anything like that in my high school German class...
We did all get to pick German names for ourselves, though, so I chose Hans and my friends chose Franz, and we went around pumping people up. It was fun.
Oh, yeah, and Moon Dancer's list definitely takes the cake (cookie, whatever). I found the last section especially interesting:
quote: Folk Lore Names Of Satan
Lusty Dick
Old Scratch
Black Bogey
Gentlemen Jack
Old Horny
Lusty Dick? Old Horny? Being the oral literature major that I am, I would definitely like to see the folk tales that these names came from. For academic purposes, of course.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Vancouver, WA Insane since: Apr 2002
posted 04-29-2003 04:33
Thanks a lot for the help and input, it really helped.
Suho...For academic purposes. Right, I got'chya 

(Actually, I would like to know what type of search Moon Dancer typed to get that, because when I searched I was looking for things like "Satan names" "Historical Satan names" "Satan in History" etc and looking through the pages, but I got a bunch of Christian pages warning me of the dangers of Satan. It got tiring after about two hours.
Again, SuhoL We were discussing Faust because I started reading it on my own, and was talking to the German teacher about it, who is the schools Philosophy, Psychology, Nerdy, All around (one of the) smartest people I know. In any case, she decided to take it up, and talk about Hitler, and she had to start by explaining about the history of Religion in Europe, sine the majority of the class is a bunch of ignorany ass-wipes. Well, pretty soon it got into a discussion about religion, and we ended up learning nothing about Hitler (save for another day), and then discussing evil in the western culture, and since I was the main contributer to the discussion, she gave me a homework assignment.
If an administrator walked in, though...hoo-boy.
[This message has been edited by counterfeitbacon (edited 04-29-2003).]
Moon Dancer
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: The Lost Grove Insane since: Apr 2003
posted 04-29-2003 04:37
Also check out Encyclopedia Mythica
Click on Explore and search on Satan. It will bring up a nice list of names, along with the history, origin and sources. The site in and of itself is an interesting place to poke around...
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: 100101010011 <-- right about here Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 04-29-2003 04:41
I'm pretty sure the Old Horny bit come from the frequent depiction of satan as a satyr (top half man, bottom half goat). It's a wierd mix of christianity and greek mythology
.:[ Never resist a perfect moment ]:.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with Finglongers
From: Cell 53, East Wing Insane since: Jul 2001
posted 04-29-2003 04:54
Seemed to have missed out 'Old Cootie' and 'Old Nick'.
Anyway you might want to look at how the older fertility gods were incorporated into the Satan myth. Initially it was characters like Baal the Mesopotamian blood God (and Set, etc.) and when they moved into Europe it incorportaed elements of people like Pan and the Green Man (in an attempt to stamp out the worship of pagan God's) - hence the cloven hoof, etc.
quote: 1 KINGS 18:19ff CLASH!!!
Elijah on Mount Carmel versus 450 prophets of Baal and 400 prophets of the Asherah (groves) = a major clash of two opposing worldviews!
Elijah: "If the LORD be God, follow Him: but if Baal, then follow him." And the people answered him not a word.
But later: "The LORD, He is God!" (x2)
The Lord Jesus is at Caesarea Philippi, Mount Herman and He asks His disciples "Whom say ye that I am?" (identification)
Peter answers: "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."
Mt. Herman was headquarters for Pan worship (Pantheism) and Caesar worship
Trinitarianism vs polytheism and monotheism
ACT 17:16ff CLASH!!!
Paul on Mt. Mars (Mars Hill in Athens, the intellectual and spiritual capital of the world) confronts two of the major worldviews of the Greco-Roman world: Epicureans (Atheists, Humanists) and Stoics (Pantheists, New Age).
Paul presents the Creator, Resurrected Lord and Judge at headquarters. CLASH
Elijah, the Lord Jesus, and Paul went right to the headquarters of the opposing worldview and took on the enemies of the one true God and Savior.
Mt Carmel = Baal
Mt Herman = Pan and Caesar
Mt Mars = Atheists and Pantheists
They also incorporated various pagan festivals into the Church's. Read why you should avoid Valentine's Day here:
FAQs: Emperor
Moon Dancer
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: The Lost Grove Insane since: Apr 2003
posted 04-29-2003 05:34
quote: Actually, I would like to know what type of search Moon Dancer typed
I went to google and typed "names of satan"
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with Finglongers
From: Cell 53, East Wing Insane since: Jul 2001
posted 04-29-2003 05:43
LOL - its amazing when you try!! 
FAQs: Emperor
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Seoul, Korea Insane since: Apr 2002
posted 04-29-2003 06:03
cfb: Oh, Faust, OK, I guess that makes sense then...
And when you all go and check out the Encyclopedia Mythica (which Moon Dancer linked to above), be sure to check out the Korean mythology section. They say the editor is absolutely brilliant.

Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Vancouver, WA Insane since: Apr 2002
posted 04-29-2003 06:59
Actually, Faust or no Faust, it wouldn't be an unusual discussion; It's an unusual class.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: under the bed Insane since: Feb 2000
posted 04-29-2003 14:41
'Old Nick' is my favorite. Mainly because it's also the name of an exceptional beer as well =) Surprised they left that one off the list though.
Suho - very cool. I love the encyclopedia mythica, been using it for years. good to see such noteworthy editors 
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Greensboro, NC USA Insane since: Jun 2002
posted 04-29-2003 15:15
Here's a little tidbit for ya:
"Satan" in Hebrew actually translates "adversary". Here's an reference or 2:
During the course of Christian history, the word "satan" has evolved to represent an entity opposing God, and as the ruler of Hell. Lucifer (sometimes called The Morning Star - oddly enough, like Venus and Isis...) is the angel who led the angels in rebellion against the Hebrew God and was cast down from Heaven... He's inherited the title, if you will, of Satan (THE Adversary).
*hey - I did learn something in Old Testament class...*
Bodhi - Cell 617
Gilbert Nolander
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Washington DC Insane since: May 2002
posted 04-29-2003 16:25
There are some wierd theories about how the God who battled The morning star is not the true God, but instead a God who is trying to control and decieve us and The morning star tried to free us from his captive bonds, and lost the battle in the sky and went to Venus. Thus, Venus is called the Morning star by some. See a book called Nos: The Book of Resurrection' by Miguel Serrano, here is an excerpt. He was good friends with Carl Jung, which doesn't really matter, I just thought I would mention it.
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: Houston, TX, USA Insane since: Apr 2000
posted 04-29-2003 17:54
if i'm not mistaken doesn't the pharoah in moses' time also refer to himself as the morning star?
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: New California Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 04-29-2003 17:56
Gilbert brought up an interesting point a while back.
Jesus and Lucifer the same person?
We had some good discussion about Lucifer and how that name came about from Isaiah 14:12.
I had pointed out: quote: During Isaiah's time Assyria had conquered Judah *and* Babylon. But a century later, Babylon was the conquering nation. It is very possible this reference to the "morning star" was meant for the leader of Babylon at that time, Nebuchadnezzar. Babylon was soon to be defeated by Cyrus of Persia. Isaiah 14:12 is foretelling the fall of Babylon. Ok, so there's some background on the history.
The Hebrew word used here is "helel" which literally means "The Shining One". It likely refered to the planet Venus. Venus is the brightest planet in our sky. During the right time of year it can be seen in the morning hours preceeding the sunrise. The word "Lucifer" comes from latin translations of the verse where it means "light bringer". Interestingly, the same word is translated as Phosphoros in Greek translations. This is the only place this Hebrew word is used in the Bible.
I think the context of this chapter most likely refers to the King of Babylon. Just like Venus, or The Morning Star, is soon overpowered by the daylight, so to would Babylon be eclipsed by Persia. But there are also things attributed to Nebuchadnezzar that seem very unearthly like equating himself with the Most High and being fallen from Heaven and such. So it may be that he was seen to be an instrument of Satan himself during this time and so we can sort of overlay these descriptions of both of them from these verses in Isaiah chapter 12.
[edit] DOH! Fig, we posted almost the same time. I think the only argument for a reference in the OT to the "Morning Star" can be made for the King of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar. I added more in the quote above about it.
[This message has been edited by Bugimus (edited 04-29-2003).]
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Dammed if I know... Insane since: Mar 2003
posted 05-04-2003 00:12
The Great Dragon
The Originl Serpent
The Father of the Lie
(from the book of Revelation)
"nuff said"
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: [s]underwater[/s] under-snow in Juneau Insane since: Sep 2002
posted 05-13-2003 08:18
Just don't ever call him "Butt Lips". That one really gets him pissed off...
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: houston, tx usa Insane since: Mar 2003
posted 05-13-2003 17:29
Do you think Satan enters thur the Quija(?)Board, like in the movie the Exorcist? What is the explanation for the movement of that thing when you ask it a question? I have seen it work before.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Vancouver, WA Insane since: Apr 2002
posted 05-13-2003 23:45
I dunno, I've never tried it, but my Dad did when he was a kid, said it frightened him pretty bad.
I've seen em work before, though, and thought that it must of been magnets or something, but after seeing on work where the possibility of magnets was impossible, I dunno. I personally think that it's god demonic implications, but I have no proof.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: the bigger bedroom Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 05-13-2003 23:59
jade - you have seen this work before?
surely attending that sort of sayance goes totally against your beliefs.

Moon Dancer
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: The Lost Grove Insane since: Apr 2003
posted 05-14-2003 02:27
Unless Satan is your subconscious mind, then no. Ouija boards are not tools for communicating with spirits. Of any sort.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Vancouver, WA Insane since: Apr 2002
posted 05-14-2003 02:39
Hmm...I'd think that it is satanic forces influencing them to work. And, no, you don't have to be attending any sort of ritual or sayance. I've see nthem at parties, or just as commonplace items in some peoples houses.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with Finglongers
From: Cell 53, East Wing Insane since: Jul 2001
posted 05-14-2003 14:15
The Yezidi of northern Iraq are accussed of being devil-worshippers as they worship a form of Satan who they call The Peacock Angel (Malak Taus). Although it is really a mix of other religions and Satan is revered because he made the material world and was forgiven and his tears of redemption put out the fires of Hell. They also have a tabboo against lettuce (although why isn't really clear).
To be honest something must be wrong as the background music on this site is appalling:
See also:
They even have their own Google directory:
FAQs: Emperor
Gilbert Nolander
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Washington DC Insane since: May 2002
posted 05-14-2003 14:41
Satan inside a Quija(?)Board.... 
I mean, come on you guys this isn't the middle ages. Satan is only the personification of what we consider to be evil. There are spirits that are what we would consider evil, or perhaps selfish, and some are just angry because they are stuck here on earth in their spirit form, and they can enter an Quija(?)Board and communicate.
There is also a hierarchy of devils, which is based on all sorts of things, but you will see no mention of Satan. I mean, just to make sure, is the name Satan even used in the bible? And if not, where exactly did it come from?
-Other intersting links-
[This message has been edited by Gilbert Nolander (edited 05-14-2003).]
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: houston, tx usa Insane since: Mar 2003
posted 05-14-2003 16:32
Rtma, MD
I don't doubt the "Satan" really does exist. I went to a party when I was young and we did play with it. I remember we asked it a question and it gave us the right answer. It really scared all of us. I think that board game is an opening or commmunicating Satan utilizes in this world. Ive never played it since, but later it came out on the Exorcist and I thought it really was a portal to Satan. Since I believe in good spirits, I also believe in bad spirits. I remember my friend recently told me, her teens were playing with the board on the front porch and it freaked them out, so they went and put it in a dumpster down the corner of the street to rid of it. When they woke up the next morning the game board was on the front porch in front of the door. This put the spooks in them.
I would agree with you too on trapped spirits being able to communiate via the Quija board but this would also have to include the demonic spirts as well.
[This message has been edited by jade (edited 05-14-2003).]
[This message has been edited by jade (edited 05-14-2003).]
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: under the bed Insane since: Feb 2000
posted 05-14-2003 17:43
why does it have to be satan?
Maybe it's god.
Maybe it's great grandad, or unlce pete.
Secondly, I'm pretty sure that satan would have far more important things to do than anwering questions about the colors of teenage girls underwear and the like...so I have a really hard time seeing satan hanging around waiting for people to pick up a ouija board.
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: houston, tx usa Insane since: Mar 2003
posted 05-14-2003 17:47
Didn't the movie "Ghost" make you think communicating with the dead was possible.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: New California Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 05-14-2003 18:15
I honestly don't know if communicating with the dead is possible, that includes "saints". But I do know that the attempt at communicating with the dead is prohibited in the bible. So as a Xian, I wouldn't bother with it. And any Xian who is intimidated by demonic activity has only to remind them of the victory to send them on their not-so-merry way. I have never personally witnessed any demonic activity but I have heard several first hand accounts of those who have. My mind remains open on this subject.
norm, if "butt lips" gets him going, just imagine how bad "booger lips" would be! 
. . : slicePuzzle
Gilbert Nolander
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Washington DC Insane since: May 2002
posted 05-14-2003 18:41
Bugs - Communication with the dead is not allowed????
Wouldn't Jesus technically be considered dead, since he has no physical body? Thats all spirits are...
He is in spirit form. So therefore when people talk to Jesus, they are really talking to someone who is dead?
And are there not examples in the bible where prophets get messages from spirits/angels/saints besides God and Jesus?
{edit - and by the way communication with the dead/spirits is definatly possible.}
[This message has been edited by Gilbert Nolander (edited 05-14-2003).]
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: New California Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 05-14-2003 18:47
Yes, it is prohibited.
Speaking to God the Father through Jesus the Son is praying to God. That is not the same thing as trying to contact dead human beings.
Prophets by definition received revelations from God and his messengers, angels. Angels are not dead. But there are no instances where prophets spoke with dead people. If they did, they would have broken the OT law which would have been a problem.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: New California Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 05-14-2003 18:47
GN, how do you know it is possible?
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: houston, tx usa Insane since: Mar 2003
posted 05-14-2003 19:24
Bugs, I can't agree with you on
"speaking to the dead is prohibited" Where in the bible does it say that? I think the bible says the opposite.
When we are sick or have difficulites, we ask our family and friends to pray for us? Doesn't this go for our family & friends in the afterlife? How do we know they don't see us or connect with us? And why does our friends prayers on earth help us? Why don't we pray directly to Jesus. Do we tell our family and friends their prayers will not work? When we do ask them to pray for us aren't they interceding on our behalf? Sort of like an intecessors.
Gilbert Nolander
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Washington DC Insane since: May 2002
posted 05-14-2003 19:36
No matter what I say it doesn't really matter, would it actually change your mind?
But anyway, I've had contact with my Grand-pa quite a bit (And some other strange things),
but I don't really like to talk about it because most people just think the idea is absurb. It's really easy though, you just concentrate on the person, ask a person, or just say hi, and then silent your mind and see what happens.
quote: Link - ?Unconscious assumptions prevent most people from communicating with ancestors or ancestor spirits, since the commonly held belief is that communication with the dead is not possible. Even those who believe in the continuity of some form of consciousness after death rarely take the further step of attempting to establish communication. Of course, practitioners in various culturally marginal traditions, such as spiritualists, spiritists, mediums, psychics, or channels, do claim such communication. Actually, in most societies the world over where the Euro-American worldview is not exclusively dominant, communication with deceased ancestors is an accepted and normal part of social reality. No metaphysical bias prevents such people from looking to their ancestors for both the origins and the solutions to many of their problems. This practice is sometimes mistakenly referred to as ?ancestor worship,? though it is nothing of the kind. The deceased ancestors are not worshiped; they are respected, just as they were when alive. Whenever possible, one maintains communication with them for the purpose of receiving guidance.?