Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate
From: CA Insane since: Jan 2001
posted 01-15-2001 01:58
I've tried countless times to duplicate, follow or even simulate the tutorials I see on this site, and gurus, they are wonderful tutorials.
They teach you almost everything you need to know to begin.
But there's something wrong with me, or my copy of photoshop ..
See. when I follow the tutorial to Key, I mean word by word, it seems to fall apart on me ..
I do everything like is said, piece by piece, thoroughly scanning my progress.
But no matter how hard I try, everytime I make something, it turns out deformed, messed up, or retarded.
I'm beginning to wonder if my photoshop 5.5 is valid with these tutorials ..
Or am I just incomputent.
A small thread of advice would be greatly appreciated .. I feel rather defeated, and worthless at this point -.- ..
It isn't my fault .. I was hit repeatedly in the head at age .. I forget.
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: EN27 Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 01-15-2001 02:19
Well, I hate to tell you, but there is a 'knack' to doing tutorials. Some tutorials do not tell you things lke the document size used (ie. 640x480 300dpi) and that can change how the tutorial turns out. Other things, like a poorly written tutorial, can lead to frustration. And you may not even know it's poorly written, there could be one step the writer left out, because; 'everybody does "that" when doing "this".'
The best advice I can give you, is too try the tutorial several times, try it a few different ways (if you can). Playing with tutorials can be a huge education in Photoshop, simply because things don't always work out the first time you do a tutorial (or the second, third, etc..). It's ok, what you are going through, is what we've all gone through. There is not real magic answer, just keep trying, you'll get it, and you'll have learned lots.

Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: New Jersey, USA Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 01-15-2001 02:28
Welcome to the Asylum Mindless. I'm sure our welcoming committee will be along soon with all the necessities of life here.
I'll bet if you pop on over to the Photoshop forum, and post some of the pictures you are having problems with, some of the inmates in that wing will be more than happy to help you along your way to graphics euphoria. Be sure to post a picture for them to be able to see what you are talking about, ( you know the old adage, thousand words and all that).
Once again welcome to the Asylum, Vp should be along shortly ( guy with a mop and bucket in tow) to give you your ration of *Meds* and your new *jacket*, buckle up and have fun.
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: Nurse's Station Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 01-15-2001 02:36
~Holds outs silver tray of meds~
Welcome Mindless !
F1 hit it I think....I went through the same thing and found some are well written but maybe the size
made the difference...or I over looked something that really mattered. Some are for the more experienced.... and skip details that you would know if experienced... just stroll on down the hall and
go to the 43rd door on your left.......ummmmm noooooooooooooo ........right .. yeah right....that is the PhotoShop forum....and you will find lots of help there 
Now...one more thing.. hold out those arms for me so we can get you in your cute little jacket ~eg~
"Last thing I remember, I was running for the door I had to find the passage back to the place I was before. Relax said the nightman, we are programmed to receive. You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave..."

Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate
From: CA Insane since: Jan 2001
posted 01-15-2001 02:37
Ok, thanks .. I feel a bit at ease now .. You say everyone has this problem at first..
The tutorial i've been trying to do for nearly seven days now is the 'water drip drop' tutorial ..
See this is where I get lost.
Where it says to go to the edit > channel > and change the settings to 120. 1.00. and 1.45 to smooth out the 'reggies' It doesn't.
I end up having to set it at 121 1.00 180 before the reggies disappear.
And the other thing is. When told to go to inverse > clear. it doesn't do anything.
The 'reggies' remain .. Ok
I'll take your advice butcher. and head over to the Photoshop help posts.
Thanks for the welcoming. But can you really be insane if you have no mind to lose? o.o
It isn't my fault .. I was hit repeatedly in the head at age .. I forget.
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: EN27 Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 01-15-2001 02:45
Ok, first thing. When you are at Image>Adjust>Levels don't worry about those numbers. What you want to do, is get those edges smooth, but not too smooth. So in this case play, until it feels good. No, I don't mean that, I mean with Photoshop. Next instead of doing Select>Inverse & Edit>Clear, I would try Select>Inverse and hit the delete key.
Good luck.

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Mi, USA Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 01-15-2001 02:53
*opens the new imates cell door and peers in and QQ's* Hmmmmm.. seems our resident Nurse has already been around to size you and administer your dosage!!! 
Anyhow... Welcome to the Asylum Mindless... heh.. your name will 'fit' right in around these parts! *hands you a mop* this is what I do most of the day but you can help if ya want to?
oh Ya.. before I forget... F1 speaks many words of wisdom... you will be most wise to listen hard to them... that tutorial you are attempting over at the GN is actually a fairly advanced Photoshop tut. It took me 2 or 3 times to really get the jist of it, but keep trying... I would perhaps try slowing down a bit.. that tut involves a combination of Photoshop skills (selections, knowledge of channels and the like) and if your quite new to PS it can be very daunting.. so go with teh flow, don't push yourself too hard, and enjoy the learning curve!!! 
I can assure you that it will be very rewarding in the end...and my fav saying is of course "Rome was'nt built in a day!!!"
If you have any real roadblocks take Shi's advice and post over at the PS forum eitehr here or at the GN and you will be pleased to see how much help is availble!
Welcome aboard again... now get mopping!!!!!!! hehe
edit:fat fingered again! grrrrrr
[This message has been edited by vogonpoet (edited 01-15-2001).]
Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate
From: CA Insane since: Jan 2001
posted 01-15-2001 03:02
o.o I'm a janitor? uh .. ok
*mops like he's never mopped before*
Now then ..
The Darkgarden tutorial is advanced?
Well .. I don't mean to seem annoying But i'm no stranger to photoshop
I've been playing with it for about a year and a half now.
But i never attempted anything like this up until now.
I go into posts, and look at people signatures and my jaw drops at how kickass they look
I mean relistic, to the exact core
Perfect example would be
The posting in
Photoshop Tutorial> Tychno a little help? > sedi
and in the same form, the signature of. eyezaer. The list of wonderful signatures I see here are endless
Now I understand there's a level between me and you. I'm 'beginner' and you are 'advanced'.
But i'm extremely persistent. I just need some guidence.
hell if i can learn CGI, and PERL, I'm deffinitely, sure I can learn this -.-
Plus I draw alot. (in the real world) i have an optical sensor mouse (enhanced photoshop motibility)
So advice .. and tips will greatly be appreciated.. I mean to the fullest..
I'll take that into considersation what you said about the channels F1.
Thanks for the welcoming, and I'll take my meds now
*swallows his meds*
Can i get a bit smaller jacket though?
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Mi, USA Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 01-15-2001 03:11
well actually... drawing a comparison between Coding (such as Perl/Cgi) and Photoshop is not a very good thing.
Yes they both share a certain amount of creativity/imagination, but they are not teh same thing at all imho... just because one can shine as a coder does not mean necessarily that being creative using PS is a given!
Nothing wrong with persistance either... just learn to walk first is all... you will find I think that Photoshop is a huge learning curve and that youwill be always finding out new things about it.. I know I still am ...
and good forum etiquette would be to only use one of your posts that you have (either here or in the PS forum) or else it all gets very confusing! 
oh ya... go easy with them pills ! they can be kinda strong to a new comer! heh Nice mop work btw!
Lunatic (VI) Mad Scientist
From: the Psychiatric Ward Insane since: Sep 2000
posted 01-15-2001 03:42
hrmm... i saw my name.... hmm....
okay, you are about where i was in september.... think about that, and for DG's metal, i never got that to work... eh... hehe... ummm..... stick around and you can learn so much you could blow your mind... no joke, that is what the Black pills are for. 
catch you around the ozone pub....
"i have seen what the world has to offer... i want none of it..."
Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate
From: CA Insane since: Jan 2001
posted 01-15-2001 03:50
You've only been doing this since steptember eyezear?
H'm ..
Well that gives me a bit of hope ..
I saw that image you made in the 'Tychno a little help?' posting
And it's like mind boggeling.
Just a estimate, what level of experience would I have to be at to make something of that calibur?
I know the object performance of color burn, and dodge. I'm still trying to comprehend it to the fullest.
I've found I really like the polar coordiants, But i've yet to make ANYTHING like liquidsoft.
Those pictures are .. spell binding ..
Oh well .. enough with my constant rambling and boasting about other peoples masterpieces .. I'm going to try and make my own (yeah right ..) -.-
It isn't my fault .. I was hit repeatedly in the head at age .. I forget.
Maniac (V) Lord Mad Scientist Sovereign of all the lands Ozone and just beyond that little green line over there...
From: Stockholm, Sweden Insane since: Mar 1994
posted 01-15-2001 09:22
Hey Mindless! Welcome to the forum, glad you de-cloaked. Ah, I know what you speak of, and a lot of the problems with my tutorials have to do with a tendency I have towards dyslexia, I tend to say "inverse" when I mean "invert", annoying things like that. You're already an artist, drawing and the like, right? You should do real well with these things, once you realize that the best tutes are *not* cookie cutter, "follow these steps exactly" type tutorials. The best ones actually explain what you're trying to achieve, and why. Every step can be done slightly differently, the precise numbers are unimportant except as a jumping off point. The comment above about smooth edges, a perfect example. Be not afriad to make mistakes, either! That's how you learn. I learned primarily by trying to "reverse engineer" effects I had seen one place or another, frequently I would follow a different path upon discovering something cool, and then I would have a *new* effect. Keep at it, and if you get to a bit that simply makes no sense to you, post an image of it to a website somewhere and then ask in the photoshop forum, you'll learn, a bit slowly at first, and then *really* fast, that's how it goes.
Your pal, -doc-
Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate
From: CA Insane since: Jan 2001
posted 01-15-2001 09:28
Thanks Doc. I'll keep that in mind.
Unfortunately. I'm going to clock out for the night..
I, and my girlfriend suddenly came down with the 'flu' ..
Sigh ..
I can't locate my glasses, and my eyes are pulsing .. screaming for relief ..
So i'm going to sign off for the night.. and resume tomorrow, if I feel any better..
California is infested with the flu right now ..
Night all .. Thanks for the help.
Speak to you all again tomorrow..
*places his head down upon his patted room floor, and allows the voices to sooth him to sleep..*
It isn't my fault .. I was hit repeatedly in the head at age .. I forget.