Ah, I've been in school for two month and didn't had nor time, nor possibilities to check the asylum often and to post.
Furthermore, I've been busy with some 'sentimental' affair and left my computer a little bit (yeap, an incursion in real life ... wow...it was truly amazing, but really weird...)... now, as this story ran short and ended quicker than I expected, I'm back behind my keyboard...
And when I came back here... i felt something, deep inside me.
A strange feeling... like being back home. Ho, i know I'm not nor a mad scientist, nor really present in that place.. i know that my cell is probably in a corner of a mundane corridor. But i still feel good when I'm here...really.
And now I'm back(at least for a time!), i realize I missed one thing or two...
So can anyone tell me what is that story of pears, of lubrification, this story about eyeaear which is in a cage, this mop thing, ado...
Anyone would be kkkiiiiiiiiind enough to take a little bit of his time to take care of a patient who need mental help? 
Many thanks, mes amis!