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Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: Solitary confinement
Insane since: Feb 2001

posted posted 03-24-2001 00:58

I watched with some sadness, and unexpected digust, the coverage of the latest So Cal shootings. Here, in So. Oregon, nobody would dare try that because everybody's armed. Lotsa respect between neighbors, heh.

While I watched, I heard talk of even more gun control laws in the works. Since they don't work now, I wondered what good they would do. It's even more stupid to apply these laws nation-wide when the problem is a local thing.

While musing over that, I wondered what the inmates thought...surprised to not find this in the archives, I'm asking...

Maniac (V) Inmate

From: The year 1881
Insane since: Mar 2001

posted posted 03-24-2001 01:35

Yeah, it really sucks. I went to Granite Hills High School and live 5 minutes away. At least no one was killed, this time...


There are a lot of strange people in the world... I should know; I'm three of them...

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: out of no where
Insane since: Jan 2001

posted posted 03-24-2001 01:52

feeling the same like allewyn.. sad and digusted.
i don't think shooting is the only way that makes people dangerous..
well maybe we only think of that coz' it gets a hell lot of attention from the media.
especially when kids are holding the guns..
but a lot of people gets killed everyday..but no one really knows.. or cared enough to know..
think about that. there are more dangerous people out there who can kill .. without weapons..

about the gun control laws.. in my country.. that law have been enforced a long time ago. Thank God for that. and the outcomes ? still people gets killed here.. not by shooting.. but by chopping.. using knives..axes.. and so on.. and a lot more other methods than shooting.

p/s hey allewyn.. thanks for signing my guestbook !! you're cool..


:: Ahh, well, sanity is always questionable :: I'm a normal person, I just be having crazy thoughts ::

Neurotic (0) Inmate
Newly admitted
posted posted 03-24-2001 01:57

Two kids arrested today at my school. Completely different reasons/incidents though. We're in supposedly one of the safest schools/districts/countys in the nation and some kid had a hit list and punched a guy til he bled from the ear. The other arrested for death threats against the administration. Freaky...

netmosisdotcalm n. - from latin netmosisusdotuscalmus - fuck it all.

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: Solitary confinement
Insane since: Feb 2001

posted posted 03-24-2001 03:09

Yeah, what's been said so far is what bugs me! Violence isn't new and major crimes don't make the news, but let a kid fire a handgun and all hell breaks loose. The media makes sure that their anti-gun bias gets exposure and they use kids to do it. If you want action taken in this country, point to hurting kids, even if this kind of violence makes up less than 1/1000th of violent crimes committed.

It's not good, it's tragic that kids are shooting each other for any reason, this time for failing to earn enough credits to graduate (the shooter's fault!!) but what will come out of this is even more legislation to take guns away from people who have never committed a violent act, even against an animal.

It really pisses me off that people are so dumbed down they can't see the 7th step, of Hitler's 10 step plan for world domination, was to confiscate all weapons from the people so they couldn't defend themselves against a tyrannical form of government. If you think I'm kidding, look it up.

netmosis's reply points to a deeper problem; it's not guns but frustration with a perceived lack of opportunity that causes kids to go off. With half of marriages failing (mostly oriented around money problems) kids grow up with single parents who are dpressed and just trying to make ends meet. The kids grow up on the street and learn their survival skills on the end of a knife, or even a hatchet. And that's in the wealthy communities like Hollywoood CA. I try to run 7 websites for kids, hoping I can contribute to them having a little fun, thinking maybe I can make a difference, but when CLyNn says banning guns in her country (your flash site rocks CLyNn) makes no difference after many decades, I wonder if there's anything we can do.

Obviously legislation isn't the answer. What's a poor inmate to do?

~Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're NOT out to get me~

Lunatic (VI) Mad Scientist

From: the Psychiatric Ward
Insane since: Sep 2000

posted posted 03-24-2001 03:28

Parents need to be responsible. I sure don't want more friggin Laws.

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: Solitary confinement
Insane since: Feb 2001

posted posted 03-24-2001 15:31

You're right about that. All too often the TV or the street ends up being the parent. Even when both parents are together real parenting is left to others, like the schools. And teachers aren't allowed to discipline! I know one couple who have trained their 3 year old to keep the same hours they do: 11am to 3 am, and she watches cartoons the entire time! That child is spoiled, demanding and usually whining about something. In that case parenting makes no difference. She'll have to learn on the street, from her peers who know next to nothing about responsibility.

And more laws? Heh, alot of those same irresponsible parents are the ones to pass legislation prohibiting any kind of school room discipline. Teachers probably hope they can just make it through their day without getting shot!

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: 100101010011 <-- right about here
Insane since: Mar 2000

posted posted 03-24-2001 22:02

This whole stiuation saddens and disgusts me.

I remember when Columbine happened, as immune as I've become to the horrors of the daily news it really had an effect on me.

Personally I think guns are bad and I would have no problems with them being outlawed completely,(please I'm not looking for an argument on my opinion as far as I've seen this is one of those points where no one is going to change someones POV).

What really bothers me are these kids that feel this is the only options they have. At the risk of sounding hokey, "wheres the love?" How are these peple slipping through the cracks? Have us as a society become so numb that we choose not to see these sociopaths in our midst?

I dunno, I just want to place siginficant props to Krets for choosing to become a teacher, and one who seems to care very much at that.

Walking the Earth like Kane

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: Solitary confinement
Insane since: Feb 2001

posted posted 03-24-2001 22:43

I applaud Krets too, I didn't know he was a teacher. Tough job with his hands tied and high expectations for performance in a hostile arena. We haven't heard from him yet, I hope he'll check in on this topic.

No one's (at least not me) going to challenge your anti-gun stance Bit; it's not the intent of this thread to begin bashing one another but to encourage some dialogue on a subject that I *know* is in everyone's awareness. Live and let live here. Nuff said.

Going back to "What really bothers me are these kids that feel this is the only options they have. At the risk of sounding hokey, "wheres the love?" How are these peple slipping through the cracks? Have us as a society become so numb that we choose not to see these sociopaths in our midst?"

I think it's even worse than that. I think we choose not to see the underlying problem being that we allow sociopaths to be created simply by ignoring the trend away from a national identity. We no longer (in America) know what our heritage is and how preciously our freedoms have been purchased. No I'm not going to wave the flag. It's just that it's no longer important to our government, unless one of its members is lobbying for votes, to keep this country focused and educated.

Public schools are promised money from lotteries so federal funding is cut. The lottery fails to pay off for the schools and teachers go elsewhere to make a living. Alot of schools just can't attract good teachers anymore because they can't pay. And do we go after the lottery thugs to make them pay up? Of course not. We ask people for more and more bond funding to make it work. All the while, private schools are hiring the teachers who can't make it in the public schools.

Then, when public school districts pass bond legislation, those teachers are already gone and we hire less experienced or less motivated people to fill in. And they don't want to do the whole job or are actually afraid of the school-room conflicts caused by the lack of parental discipline away from school.

Internet professionals may be the last "proud to show our stuff" group in america. Everyone else is so worried that they won't get enough money or they'll miss a better paying opportunity, they forget that the real reason they're working is the future.

The kid in San Diego saw no future. He was wrong to blame others for his failure to get enough credits to graduate bue he saw no future. And he acted out accordingly.

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: buttcrack of the midwest
Insane since: Oct 2000

posted posted 03-25-2001 04:30

In my opinion, the problems here all boil down to Respect, and Responsibility. Many of the views posted here are valid, to their extent, but if you aren`t taught to respect yourself while you are young, it`s very difficulkt to develop it later in life. If you can`t respect yourself, you can`t respect anyone else either, or their property, or their lives. Of course the only way you can respect yourself is to do the things that make you proud, the things you know are right. There is little reward for these things in todays life. you won`t get on TV. You won`t see your name in the papers. no book deals, no movie rights.
But if you kill a few people, in a * flashy * way, or crash a realy big website or company system, everybody knows your name. You get job offers, book deals, ( even in jail ). This is what I call *WT* Wrong Thinking.Why not glorify the guy/ gal that caught the offenders ? OK. I`m starting to rant, but the point is there are more immediate rewards for screwing up than for doing well. ( WT )

In the Resonsibility area, it dosen`t seem anymore, that you are expected to take responsibility for your actions , and this is a necessary part of keeping a society together. If you spill hot coffee on yourself, don`t recriminate yourself, sue the people that gave you the coffee ( Which you would have complained about if it had NOT been hot ) If you shoot a few people, it`s ok.. It`s your school systems fault ( even though you got the grades you deserved ) If you hack into and destroy someone elses system, it`ll get you a job as Net Security. ( More WT )

Children need to learn that there are consequences for actions ( both good and bad ) or these incidents will not stop. Ever. The responsibility for this falls on the parents, and the school adminisration has to be able to back them up during the day, as well.

I wonder if this is the way the Romans felt during the period we call *The Decline and Fall* ?

<edit> Yes
Allewyn there is a serious shortage of Nationl Identity. The *me * trend needs to be reversed. If we don`t start seing the big picture soon, there may not be a picture left to *edit*. It needs to be about *us*, and before anyone explodes, by * us * I mean ALL of us. HUMAN BEINGS. We`re all in this together.

[This message has been edited by docilebob (edited 03-25-2001).]

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: Solitary confinement
Insane since: Feb 2001

posted posted 03-25-2001 05:32

I believe with all my heart that we start out good. Then we learn from our parent/s and then our peers in school. While trying to find ourselves, we model after others; sports figures used to be good role models, when a strong parent figure wasn't in action. I agree, it seems the focus of the model has shifted from RT (right thinking) to doing what it takes to get rich while sacrificing our identity and self-respect (WT).

"Children need to learn that there are consequences for actions ( both good and bad ) or these incidents will not stop. Ever. The responsibility for this falls on the parents, and the school adminisration has to be able to back them up during the day, as well."-DB

And when parents are absent, these kids have no one to learn from but the media stars. When the media stars act out and are glorified, the lesson is loud and clear.

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