Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: TriCites TN/VA Insane since: Sep 2000
posted 08-26-2001 07:21
Just curious. I never ran across this detail on your site or in the forum, and I just wondered if you were a dad. I have a one year old now and it's been quite a great experience - and a change. Haven't had a lot of late nights studying new programs, for example.
If anyone else here is a dad (or mom) recently in the web design/IT industry, what has it been like for you?
Maniac (V) Lord Mad Scientist Sovereign of all the lands Ozone and just beyond that little green line over there...
From: Stockholm, Sweden Insane since: Mar 1994
posted 08-26-2001 14:14
No, no kids as far as I know, and Malin and I have no immediate plans for any of our own yet. I wonder sometimes, perhaps we'd be good parents, perhaps they'd simply have to take care of us instead! (Assuming we managed to keep them going, which is harder to keep alive, plants or kids? I hope it's plants!) I *am* an uncle, and my brother is practically a genetic twin of myself, and his boy is even closer in looks and personality and other intangeables, I'm content that our line will not die out.
Your pal, -doc-
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: under the bed Insane since: Feb 2000
posted 08-26-2001 17:04
Doc - let me attest, kids are much easier to keep alive than plants. 
I have a seven year old daughter and a seven year old step-daughter, both very much alive. my plants on the other hand.....
Free time is certainly cut down to practically non-existent, and the energy level requires a bit of work to keep going...but, like anything else, as long as you keep your priorities straight, and make sure to steal some time for yourself now and then, you can stay relatively sane and on-track.

Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted
posted 08-27-2001 03:54
OH MY GOD! I can see little ozones running around spiting out DHTML code and me trying to make it out in between all the damn crying!
Doc and Son, has a ring to it! or hell what if you had a girl!?
This is making me feel all warm and fuzzy 
OHHHH! you could show the birth on your web cams throughout your house! Am I scaring you Doc?
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Azylum's Secret Lab Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 08-27-2001 03:59
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted
posted 08-27-2001 04:24
hahahhahah yeah, but think about the little ozones runnig around 
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Sthlm, Sweden Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 08-27-2001 11:50
I've got 2 sons, 4.5 yrs and 1 year old.
Free time... what's that and where can I get it?
There wouldn't be any webwork done if I didn't do it at work or at night.
It's worth it though, beeing part of raising and teaching an extension of yourself 
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: New California Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 08-27-2001 18:08
I have one daughter and she is about 3 or 4 weeks away from being 0 years old. It really helps to hear from those who have gone before like DL-44 and DmS. I am really getting nervous about now 
P.S. If I can arrange it, I'm going to take a digital camera and a laptop with me to the hospital and keep you all up to date with a blog.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Azylum's Secret Lab Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 08-27-2001 18:19
Hey Bugimus! we all will be with you in that hospital!
Keep us informed and, please, don't smoke too much!! 
.-rotate script by Mr.Max
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: North Carolina mountains Insane since: Dec 2000
posted 08-27-2001 19:24
Got a 9-year-old girl and 7-year-old boy. Hell on wheels and lifesuckers to be sure, but loveable nonetheless.
Bugimus: I recommend that you don't take the laptop! Take pictures, but wait to post them later. Enjoy the special time with your wife and no one else ... we can wait till later to hear about it. Your wife will appreciate it!!!
Murphy's 50 Laws of Combat Operations
11. Try to look unimportant -- the enemy may be low on ammo.
23. When in doubt -- empty your magazine.
Maniac (V) Lord Mad Scientist Sovereign of all the lands Ozone and just beyond that little green line over there...
From: Stockholm, Sweden Insane since: Mar 1994
posted 08-27-2001 22:51
No, I think you should plan ahead, and make sure the entire delivery room is covered in webcams, capturing the event from all angles! If you set it up in advance you can just forget about it during. Why hasn't anyone else done this yet? Have I missed something? I've sen one case of attempted suicide "on cam", and that was nowhere near as uplifting. 
Your pal, -doc-
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Azylum's Secret Lab Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 08-27-2001 22:55
Well, Doc, you better hurry up with those kids, so we can see the web cam test!!! 
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Mi, USA Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 08-28-2001 03:40
and ya .. we all really wanna see that! LOL..... not.. no offense ! ~Vp~
Lunatic (VI) Mad Scientist
From: the Psychiatric Ward Insane since: Sep 2000
posted 08-28-2001 04:05
um.... my cuz had her 2nd baby in our guest room. yeah. i got to go in after all the excitement was over and there was a little baby layin on her.... it was so friggin amazing. I am still shocked and i didnt even see anyting. I think the weirdest think was that her water broke when she was in MY room talkin on MY phone.... hmm.... i wasent really sure about that part.... and then i went down to the basement. and stayed there.

Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Boston, MA, USA Insane since: Apr 2000
posted 08-28-2001 05:08
Sigh. I was trying to stay out of this one, but poor Bugimus made me write. I remember the pre-birth anxiety.
But - I blinked about twice, turned to look at something I guess, and shoot - my first-born is going off to college on Wednesday. Dr. Albert wasn't sneezing when he said time is relative. Eighteen years lived minute by minute, issue by issue, jpys and fears - well, it's hard to believe there was once a time before kids. But from one small step back I honestly swear it was just 2 or 3 heart beats ago she was born.
It's okay to be nervous just now. But it's not okay to make yourself sick worrying about how you're going to manage this or that. It just happens. Sure you plan, read the books, compare anxious notes with friends, but in the end you find out how you did it in the rear view mirror.
And the birth - honest to gosh the whole thing is the messiest, most unsavory, unnatural, excruciating, inhumane, uncivilized .... miracle you are likely to ever experience. I swear that if I had been walking down the hall and opened the wrong door and witnessed a birth, I have no doubt I'd drop on the spot in a dead faint. But when it's your beloved, when you are caught up in the moment and the passion and the ... labor .... it's still messy, freakish, bizarre, inhumane .... and then you hold this amazing, tiny person, and you feel something bigger than anything you have ever felt before fill your heart.
And then 18 or so years flash by and that same person, no longer tiny, starts off on the first part of the journey to being an adult. And that too is a different feeling than any you have ever had before.
No web cams. No one would believe it anyway. There must be a better way!
September is a good birthday month. Looking forward to hearing about it!
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: buttcrack of the midwest Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 08-28-2001 06:32
Right on, Steve. Mine are 21 and 24. No, wait that`s not possible. That would make me...shit, it`s possible.
Wouldn`t change a second of it.
DmS : We`ll have some of that free time shipped right out to you. Please allow 16-18 years for delivery.
Boldly going nowhere
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Madison, Indiana, USA Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 08-28-2001 20:32
I remember the last couple of months before our first child was born. I didn't feel ready. Hey, I was doing everything I could just to take care of Bobbins and me. How was I going to cope with another person.
But, like Steve said, you take it one day at a time. Deal with each dirty diaper as it comes and the next thing you know they are gone and in college and then raising their own children. I wouldn't have missed any of it.
We have raised four children and have a twelve year old still at home. We just drove to Maine two weeks ago to drop off our 18 year old, our fourth and I think we're still going through separation anxiety.
Four of our children were born at home. You know each one was one of the most scary, wonderful, painful, powerful, human, ... wonders I have ever experienced.
I think maybe the reason birth is so scary for most guys is that we are totally out of control. About all we can do is watch and give encouragement. But that encouragement it very important to your wife.
I know the next three or four weeks you (Bugs) won't get much sleep, you will be worried a lot, you will always be on edge, but remember we will be here for you and will give you any encouragement we can.
By the way, like Steve said, forget the camera. You won't have time to use it. My advice is to get a friend of your wife's (someone she can trust) with an analog camera to take pictures if you really think you have to have them.
Make sure to use a very high speed film (800 or above) and absolutely no flash bulbs.
Bugs, know that were all pulling for you. We're all in this together.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: New California Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 08-28-2001 20:51
Thank you all for the encouragment, it means a great deal to me I think the "not being in control thing" really explains it best. I am doing my level best to go with the flow...
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 08-28-2001 22:52
I just caught all of this.
Bugimus, I would like to wish you all of the best in the world.
I would like to wish your daughter and her mother, your wife, also the very best.
I've never been in those shoes before, but figure I will be some time soon.
Good luck.
Ron Gallant
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Jacksonville, FL, USA Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 08-29-2001 02:51
Hey Bugimus, I have a son about 4 weeks from 0. He was born 3 months ago at 1.42lbs. I can hardly imagine. The fear for him was greater then the fear of fatherhood. Well now the fear of fatherhood is kicking in bigtime, I hope the best for you. ;-)
Take a look, your daugther should be even bigger then my son about now. Scary!!!
[This message has been edited by Ron Gallant (edited 08-29-2001).]
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Derbyshire, UK Insane since: Jul 2000
posted 08-29-2001 09:29
Just catching up on all recent posts from this past weekend.
Congrats Bugimus, hang in there fella, not long now.
My wife and I went through this about 22 months ago and I felt just the same. I was scared silly, I just wanted it to be over. But when it finally happened, I found some strength from somewhere and really enjoyed the whole birth thing. My wife even says that despite the pain she enjoyed the experience. Our little fella is coming up to two years old this October and I CANNOT believe that!.
You will get stressed from time to time and want to scream and shout, but hold on to it, take a depp breath and relax and ENJOY these moments. I really love my little dude at this age, he's really starting to get interesting and very funny. WE don't need the TV anymore, just spend time watching him larking around.

Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Borneo Island Insane since: Apr 2000
posted 08-29-2001 12:51
I soemtime wonder if the good Dr has, at least, a son (daughter?).. 
Btw, Congrats, Bug.. Hows your little daugther?
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Sthlm, Sweden Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 08-29-2001 13:28
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: Nurse's Station Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 08-29-2001 13:45
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Swansea, Wales, UK Insane since: Aug 2001
posted 08-29-2001 14:38
Well i have 2 little girls aged 9 & 6 , i have recently divorced ( HAPPILY ), and have the kids every other weekend and on school holidays, but they live 6 miles form me, so i see them whenever i can. My ex wife has a new boyfriend, very nice guy, both i and the kids get on great with him, so i guess the bottom line is i have the best of both worlds, i get the pleasure of havng children and the pleasure of being my own person again, which is something i missed during marriage.....my freedon has allowed me to go further in life more than i would have been able to tied down by marriage, but my kids have always come and always will come first in any decisions i make.

Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: TriCites TN/VA Insane since: Sep 2000
posted 08-29-2001 16:47
Wow, what a bunch of cool responses! (catches up)
Alright bugs! Good luck, man.
Well, I just can't help but brag today. Last night, my son walked ACROSS THE HOUSE. Sure, he'd taken a few steps here and there. But now, he's on his own, walking! Wow.
Here's a photo of him at his fist birthday party (we got him an inflatable ball pit)
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted
posted 08-29-2001 19:17
AWE! soooooooooooooooo cute!!! awe yes he is! yes he is!
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: A SMALL village somewhere in Ontario Canada Insane since: Jun 2001
posted 08-29-2001 19:30
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted
posted 08-29-2001 20:30
hey good to see you nell, haven't seen you in awile 
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: A SMALL village somewhere in Ontario Canada Insane since: Jun 2001
posted 08-31-2001 01:43
Hi dark ive been busssy...ya know. summer, company, blah blah blah *giggles*
i'll try to hang out here a bit more, I need to learn some shtuff! 
*psst* I'm not afraid of the dark!!
[This message has been edited by Nell (edited 08-31-2001).]
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted
posted 08-31-2001 08:40
you shouldn't be I suppose, but what's better?

Gill Bates, Son of Norman
Obsessive-Compulsive (I) Inmate
From: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Insane since: Aug 2001
posted 08-31-2001 12:21
Mr. Dark, I am not scared of the dark and I am not a fish, contrary to what my first name suggests. Thank you and goodnight.
I see dead people... because I'm an undertaker.
I must go now dear. Grandma's calling...
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: The Demented Side of the Fence Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 08-31-2001 12:24
uhm... who're you?
Taking no sides in the neverending battle between Good and Evil. However, I do need more popcorn.
[This message has been edited by mahjqa (edited 08-31-2001).]