The best paper you can use (IMO) is Zone VI Brilliant Bromide. Its not varible contrast (its graded), but well, its beautiful. Grade #3 is available at Calumet. Other grades should be availble directly from Zone VI( I usually only buy these papers for shows- so I havn't used it in a while. They get very expensive).
Here is the address and phone: ZONE VI Studios, Inc., Newfane, Vermont 05345, 802-257-5161
Zone VI also makes a VC which is good but not as nice as above. Its also available at Calumet.
My favorite VCs are made by Forte. After you use their warmtone or coldtone papers you'll never go back to Polycontrast. Its hard to explain, you just have to see the results. You'll know what i mean after you try them.
Import/Grey Film:
I didnt have to hear bad things, I got to experience it first hand. I shot a KSU fotball game with 6 rolls of bad film. Fortunatly the film I took to the game had come two seperate shipments, so I still had 4 left. The bad rolls came the newest shipment(Newspaper was cutting costs). This, however, does not mean dont use "grey" film. I was photojournalist for a decent sized paper. So i was pushing a lot of film through my cameras per day, It was going to happen eventually. If you dont shoot alot, you may never have a bad experience at all.
Consistency is the main problem. What B&H is saying is "We keep the film, normal and grey, stored at industry standards" what they're not saying about the grey is "we cant say the same thing about everybody else in the process." Your film could have been sitting on the dock in Korea in 95-degree heat for all you know. But if your only shooting every now then. Its not a big deal.
Color film:
I moved to shooting mostly color lately, thats why I havent been using B&W papers as much. I shoot mostly chromes (slides), so Ill talk about these also. I love Kodachrome 64, its my film of choice. After that I like all of the Fuji Provia line. I hate velvia, I think it looks fake. As for print- Reala and Superia I use differently. Reala's nice for portraits. Superia ( I just know it by numbers, the "superia" names still kinda new) is the best workhorse film around, beats the kodak stuff hands down.
I dont print color myself, to much of a pain. Better to find a good lab and have some who does it for a living make your prints, including those from slide.
Whew! this is a little long but I kind of wanted to explain my reasoning to each of your questions. I want to say all of this is subjective and personal taste- thats part of the art. There are National Gegraphic photographers who love velvia's enhanced color, and I hate it. It all depends on what your going for.
-tiki, cell 478
P.S. Morbrul-I do not recommend Calumet(above) for your question. They are very expensive.
[This message has been edited by tikigod (edited 08-24-2002).]