Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: Inside THE BOX Insane since: May 2000
posted 08-27-2002 00:37
So I started getting stomach cramps at work Saturday night. Nothing too bad. That is, until I got home. I'll spare you the details, but suffice it to say I was hugging my porcelain friend like I hadn't seen him since college.
I went to the emergency room and spent all night there while they made numerous holes in my arms. Took them forever to draw blood because I was so dehydrated. It was like syrup.
Of course, they had to wheel me everywhere because I couldn't walk. And man, was I freezing.
They rehydrated me and gave me some anti-nausea juice and some Demerol. (I had heard such good things about the Demerol, but I didn't like it. At least it got me to sleep.)
The doc said it was something going around, but I think it was food poisoning. I started getting queazy right after I ate dinner that night. He gave me a couple of prescriptions ? get this ? oral pills for diarrhea and suppositories for nausea ? doesn't that sound backwards to you? I skipped the suppositories and took my chances with the nausea.
Finally I'm up and around Monday evening, having missed an entire day and a half. I'm surviving on Gatorade and apple sauce. Maybe tonight I can treat myself to some toast.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: 127 Halcyon Road, Marenia, Atlantis Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 08-27-2002 00:44
Lunatic (VI) Mad Scientist
From: the Psychiatric Ward Insane since: Sep 2000
posted 08-27-2002 00:51
mmmm.... yeah. its goin around mate. I decided to weather it out though... no silly dr;s for me but dang. I had a trash can at the end of my bed... evey hour for 24 I was, shall we say, waking up my friends. I was about 1500 miles away from home at the time too... I lost 10 pounds in 5 days.
Did you eat beaf for dinner?
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: under the bed Insane since: Feb 2000
posted 08-27-2002 01:58
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Oblivion Insane since: Sep 2001
posted 08-27-2002 02:47
Wes I was doing just fine reading the story untill the part about the blood like syrup, oh shit thats painfull....
DL yours was just funny lol...
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: the bigger bedroom Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 08-27-2002 03:12
tough luck wesley, i hope you have a speedy recovery.
hmm... maybe we could turn The BOX project into a 12 monkeys style campaign - i dare ya to cough nice and hard into the box.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: there...no..there..... Insane since: May 2001
posted 08-27-2002 03:55
That sucks man. I had food poisoning once. Ate some bad chicken from a Kenny Rodgers, first and last time for that place. There for a while, I was begging for someone to just take me out!
So . . . ummmm. . . about the Demerol. . . I agree with DL, what a shame. 
~Binary is best~
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: New California Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 08-27-2002 05:08
The year before I gave up meat, I got very sick thrice (not as sick as Wes or DL as is sounds) but it was not pleasant! Once was bad sushi and the other two I think were from bad Italian sausage. Ughhh what a memory.
DL, I can't imagine what that truck must have smelled like in the aftermath... ~cringes and shivers~
. . : slicePuzzle
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: out of a sleepy funk Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 08-27-2002 05:35
yeesh, I've thought of a few gross things to say if you need a stability test but empathy prevents just blurting... hope you get over it soon. :P
mikey milker
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: Insane since: Apr 2000
posted 08-27-2002 18:12
the only thing vegans fear is alcohol poisoning.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Cell 666 Insane since: Mar 2002
posted 08-27-2002 18:40
I had acute gasteritous (sp) once which made me puke constantly from all the pressure building up in my stomach/intestines. The pain was unbearable, but I didn't go to the hospital. I just writhed in pain for about 16 hours until the doctor's place opened. Then the doctor looked at me for about 2 minutes and gave me some extra-extra strengh Rolaids.
Never want to experience that again...
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Czech Republic via Bristol UK Insane since: Feb 2002
posted 08-27-2002 23:47
Hmm ER's ya gotta love em n hate 'em.
Working in security in nightclubs i have often patched up a few people and sent them on thier way or even had paramedics take em to the ER.
But just before i was due to move out here almost two years ago i wound up there myself, in fact if i hadnt taken my ass down there when i did i might not have made it through the next 24 hours so here is a little tale with some pretty damn good advice behind it.
There i was about 1.45 am in the club on a saturday night when the radio blares in my ear (we used the close protection style headsets,made famous by the secret service great for hearing radio calls when the music is banging out).
All Deltas, all deltas (dorrmstaff) to bar 4 fight in progress. so off we trundle into a fight like ya never seen...8 doorstaff responding to a fight involving about 150 people...not so funy.
Anyways right in front of me the prick thinks it would be good to try to smash a bottle over a girls head, so i throw a pretty damn good punch at him and miss his jaw and connect with his teeth, i get a cut on my hand about 1 cm long by about 6 mm's deep..he got a few minutes sleep .
anyway after things get back to normal i take myself down to the first aid room and clean myself up..cleanse the wound really well bind it up (i was the senior first aider in the club...i should have known better...but i think ok wound clean tetanus shots upto date so leave it at that..BIG MISTAKE>>HUGE FUCKING MISTAKE as you will see..
Next Night i am working on the front door of another club and its freezing cold i get throbing pain in my hands and i am shivering (me thinks i am just cold and tired (Even Bigger fucking mistake)... so i finish my shift in the club take off my gloves (well i try to) one wont come off my hand its that badly swollen,...methinks oh shit time to go to the ER. so i call my girfriend and ask her to meet me at the er as i dont think i will be able to drive my car home..i drive to the er very painfully.
so i get there and go through triage (where they way ya odds on survival..ie how long ya can wait) the nurse cuts my glove off, I take one look at my hand and think shit thats not normal..it was swollen to shit. in fatct i couldnt feel shit in it by this time just one massive throbbing in my forearm, anyways she rolls up my sleev and there is a huge fucking red streak going up my arm, she gives me one of those looks that only people in the medical profession can give ya and says i will just get a doctor to come look at this.
doc comes in and tells me ...hmmm be right back..just gonan get my colleague look at this..., within a space of 10 mins i was seen by another doctor and on my way to surgery, massive infection and blood poisoning from that little cut.
anyway cut a long story short they opened my hand up big time cleaned it out and i wake up the next day, high as a kite cos of the morphine i was on and full of drips (intraveanous antibiotics). Doc comes round to see me and reads me the riot act...you stupid SOB was one of the politest things he called me. It turns out i was within 24 hours of being in some pretty seriously deep shit (the kinda fatal deep shit). I made the classic mistake of failing to treaty myself correctly, thinking anh it will be ok.......i woulda sent a customer to the Er straight off, but thats another story.
Human Bites or wounds from the mouth where they break ya skin are about 10 times more infectious than a dogbite so i now know.
So the moral of this story if ya ever find yaself in the same situation as me GET YA ASS TO ER, or if ya dumb enough like i was think about this, if i hadnt of gone to the ER at 3am and decided to wait till the next day, that next day could have been my last day.
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: North Carolina mountains Insane since: Dec 2000
posted 08-28-2002 02:34
Few nights ago, my wife spent the night hugging the toilet. She said it was the most violent bout of barfin' she's endured in a very long time. Nasty.
Then last night, my daughter does the Exorcist thing too. But she is not quite experienced enough to make it to the toilet. I spent time early this morning cleaning that mess up. Yuck.
So, at least around here, there is a bug going around. Only lasts for about 24 hours, but it is some serious stuff! I only hope the bug misses me, but with two others in the family getting it, I will be very, very lucky if I don't get it too.
Cell Number: 494
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: buttcrack of the midwest Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 08-28-2002 03:24
So... besides that, Wes, how was dinner ?
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Dallas, TX Insane since: Aug 2002
posted 08-28-2002 08:08
sounds like gastroenteritis(the virus) ... causes gastritis.
Was it?
Did the doc tell you what it was?

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 08-28-2002 08:38
Yeah Tom, those bite wounds can be pretty nasty...learn Aikido...no puching involved. Helped out immensely in my Barroom days (that are now at an end...just to much work, now that I have a steady job). My Aikido has not only saved me from a lot of the same, but also trouble with the police here in Germany. As long as someone here doesn't actually punch, hit, or otherwise maime someone, it's very hard to prosecute them...and as a bouncer, I had house rights...so first throw the idiots out (sorry about that arm/leg etc...hehe), and then take them to court...double whammy...hehe. Because of my 'restraint' in using actual 'physical' violence, I never lost a case.
As for the stomach thing...once had food poisoning...from Salmon. That was very, very bad. I really don't even like thinking about it. I was in the hospital for a week. The first three days, I nearly died. The reason? The doctors didn't know what was wrong with me (doesn't that just figure...here I am, absolutely a wreck, suffering from waves of misery, all these damn tests being done, could not stand up, but being made to by that damn intern nurse who didn't have a ****ing clue for x-rays! Getting my stomach pumped much too late...and going through three liters of pain killer...). After three days, a nurse (an older lady, very professional, a real head on her shoulders, I must say, she knew her stuff) asked me what I had eaten before. After telling her about the salmon, she just kinda stood there for a moment, then said, 'Well, you probably have food poisoning (in German, of course)'. Then she went away, and came back with this clear syrup. 'Drink this' she said. I asked what it was, and she just said 'Either you drink it, and hold it down, or you'll probably die.' Ok...drink. Blaaaah! I don't even want to be reminded of how it tasted...that I held it down is a real...wonder. So about a half-hour later, it started. The runs. And I mean the runs. I spend the next 8 hours on the toilet. Everytime I thought Ok, there just can't be anything else in my intestines I can now return to bed...whoops!. My legs fell asleep, because of sitting on the pot for too long.
To make a long story short, this woman probably saved my miserable existance. And that syrup, whatever it was. Because of this experience, I don't trust German Hospitals, or Doctors anymore. And to top that all off, it turned out that the smoked salmon that I had eaten (bought at a grocery chain here in Germany, Aldi) got recalled, there was a big thing in the news later over it. And guess what? Do you think I could sue them? Not a chance. Sueing here in Germany is a joke. For all your trouble, you get basically nothing. And all my 'evidence' went down the drain, anyway. The Doctors wouldn't 'attest' to my 'supposed' food poisoning...and I couldn't sue them either (sueing a hospital, or doctor here in Germany is neigh to impossible). Germany....*shakes head*
So, yeah, I feel for anyone who is puking their guts up...get well soon.

Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Dublin, Ireland Insane since: Jul 2000
posted 08-29-2002 01:13
"I was hugging my porcelain friend like I hadn't seen him since college."
that reminds me of a funny phrase for people getting sick after drink:
"where you driving the porcelain bus home ?" (you have to do the driving action for that to be funny)
.. and sorry about your situation (I posted in your other robbery post)
