Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: Somewhere over the rainbow Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 12-13-2002 16:07
The poster has demanded we remove all his contributions, less he takes legal action.
We have done so.
Now Tyberius Prime expects him to start complaining that we removed his 'free speech' since this message will replace all of his posts, past and future.
Don't follow his example - seek real life help first.
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Cold Sweden Insane since: Jul 2002
posted 12-13-2002 16:12
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: Somewhere over the rainbow Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 12-13-2002 16:12
The poster has demanded we remove all his contributions, less he takes legal action.
We have done so.
Now Tyberius Prime expects him to start complaining that we removed his 'free speech' since this message will replace all of his posts, past and future.
Don't follow his example - seek real life help first.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: A graveyard of dreams Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 12-13-2002 17:00
Disgusting... This is something you would expect to find in a horror movie or something, but never in real life...
"There are 10 kinds of people; those who know binary, those who don't and those who start counting at zero"
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: the uterus Insane since: Nov 2002
posted 12-13-2002 17:17
Their used to be a web site called manbeef.com that supposedly sold human meat for regular.... eating. I?m not sure what happened to the web site but once upon a time I went there and they even had recipes and things like that.
~Existence is a mere pattern.~
[This message has been edited by Rooster (edited 12-13-2002).]
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: Somewhere over the rainbow Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 12-13-2002 17:25
The poster has demanded we remove all his contributions, less he takes legal action.
We have done so.
Now Tyberius Prime expects him to start complaining that we removed his 'free speech' since this message will replace all of his posts, past and future.
Don't follow his example - seek real life help first.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: The northeast portion of the 30th star Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 12-14-2002 00:22
I wonder how much Sonicare is paying for their power toothbrush ad next to that story. Heh.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 12-14-2002 08:56
Actually, this case is causing quite the stir here in Germany...because cannabalism is not illegal here...surprise. And because the 'victim' apparently wanted to be eaten, it can't be tried as murder...so the case is...unusual, to say the least.
They also decided that the guy is sane, so he can't be sent to an Asylum, either. They tried finding other bodies, cases, etc, but nothing. They are quite confused, on what to try the guy for...maybe helping someone die...
Interesting case...Germans don't deal well with unexpected situtations, where there are no previous laws, or presedences for...
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: Somewhere over the rainbow Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 12-14-2002 09:03
The poster has demanded we remove all his contributions, less he takes legal action.
We have done so.
Now Tyberius Prime expects him to start complaining that we removed his 'free speech' since this message will replace all of his posts, past and future.
Don't follow his example - seek real life help first.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 12-14-2002 11:06
Well...as in America, murder in Germany is divided into different degrees...so, this case will have problems with trying to convict this guy with Murder one...maybe one of the other degrees...who knows? That's one of the things they are...well, trying to decide.
Also, this whole 'ordeal' was video-taped. Proof enough, that the guy really did want to be eaten...as strange as that may sound. You must remember, they both ate a part of the guy, together, before the 'main course'...so your example wouldn't apply here...
He'll probably be convicted of 'fahrlassige toetung', (I think that is Murder in the third, or somesuch), which will result in a much milder sentence...I know the prosecutor would like to get him for Murder one, but that may be hard, in this case...
Well, we will see...
Perfect Thunder
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Milwaukee Insane since: Oct 2001
posted 12-14-2002 11:26
So, the guy who did the eating == so far off center that he can detect the center only by observing its gravitational effect on distant stars.
How about the guy who wanted to be eaten? Could he have been cured of this delusion? (I'm pretty open-minded, but I can't think of the desire to be physically devoured by anything as being a remotely healthy impulse.) Or is he better off having his wish come true?
I'm personally thinking that we've got enough people in the world. Nobody should die against their will, obviously, but if someone actually wishes to die, why not let him? And hey, if that means this other guy doesn't have to go grocery shopping for a few days, so much the better.
Heh, of course I'm kidding about the cannibal... all human society is based on the assumption that we're not going to eat each other. As InI suggested, we can't really let people get away with that sort of thing.
Furthermore, mankind should aspire to a certain nobility of spirit, a belief that we are better than animals, despite all evidence to the contrary -- to eat another human is to permanently give up that hope. Even if faced with starvation, I hope that I would die as a self-disciplined human, instead of giving in and turning my buddy into a flank steak.
edit: After getting more of the disgusting details, I change my opinion of the victim... if you're feasting on your own pan-fried schlong, I'm not sad to see you leave this world. Are you insane? Sure. Do you need help? Absolutely. Do you make me wish you didn't exist? Totally. Go ahead, get yourself killed and eaten! You're one less thing I have to worry about. There are still schoolkids who type AOL-speak and can't find their home country on a map... there are still gang members who measure their manliness against the fictional crimes of rappers who were raised as middle-class art-school kids... there are still at least a hundred politicians in the U.S. Senate whose policy decisions are based entirely on corporate money and corporate direction... but at least I get a sense of cosmic closure from the knowledge that even though this guy was willing to eat his own knackwurst, at least he's dead.
[This message has been edited by Perfect Thunder (edited 12-14-2002).]
Rameses Niblik the Third
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: From:From: Insane since: Aug 2001
posted 12-14-2002 11:35
quote: This is something you would expect to find in a horror movie or something, but never in real life...
What's that old saying again? Truth is stranger than fiction. I'm surprised this kind of thing wasn't uncovered earlier.

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: New California Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 12-15-2002 06:32
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Oblivion Insane since: Sep 2001
posted 12-15-2002 07:47
Dude, video taping it is like, really fucking morbid. If I came anywhere near that tape I'd destroy it, no one deserves to watch one be eaten. Nasty. Christ what the hell is wrong with those Germans...
Obsessive-Compulsive (I) Inmate
From: Frankfurt/Germany Insane since: Dec 2001
posted 12-15-2002 14:31
quote: Christ what the hell is wrong with those Germans...
i don't think that this is a german only problem
[This message has been edited by Toadward (edited 12-15-2002).]
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Berlin, Germany Insane since: Jan 2001
posted 12-15-2002 14:51
Anybody read "American Psycho"?
Perfect Thunder
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Milwaukee Insane since: Oct 2001
posted 12-15-2002 15:12
Hey, I live in the city where Jeffrey Dahmer killed, sodomized, and ate over a dozen men... and he photographed every stage in the process. I'm thinking that this type of insanity isn't culture-specific.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Minnesota Insane since: Jan 2001
posted 12-15-2002 21:04
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: The northeast portion of the 30th star Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 12-15-2002 21:57
I'm pretty sure cannibalism has been around as long as people have. We're a very adaptable breed.
All this talk.. I gotta watch Hannibal again. That's gonna eat up like 2 hours of my day.
"So, with or without disembowelment?" (Probably got that quote wrong.. it's been a while) 
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: North Coast of America Insane since: Dec 2001
posted 12-16-2002 04:33
Then there were the two guys eating a clown and one said to the other,"Do you taste anything funny?"
typos: grrrr
[This message has been edited by brucew (edited 12-16-2002).]
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Seoul, Korea Insane since: Apr 2002
posted 12-16-2002 05:09
Ray got eaten by a cannibal?! 
But yeah, I did read about this, and I'm just flabbergasted. The people who responded to the ad must have thought it was a joke or something... I'm just trying to make this make sense.
Perfect Thunder
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Milwaukee Insane since: Oct 2001
posted 12-16-2002 07:47
I'm willing to believe it... although admittedly, I'm inured to the craziness of the human psyche.
Speaking of craziness....
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: Somewhere over the rainbow Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 12-16-2002 11:43
The poster has demanded we remove all his contributions, less he takes legal action.
We have done so.
Now Tyberius Prime expects him to start complaining that we removed his 'free speech' since this message will replace all of his posts, past and future.
Don't follow his example - seek real life help first.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 12-16-2002 13:02
Hmmm...good question Ini...maybe a thread in the Phil section on this? Or maybe even a Formal Debate? That would be cool...
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Victoria, BC Insane since: Mar 2002
posted 12-16-2002 23:36
I've got 'porkwiches' here, anyone want some?
mmmmm 'pork'.....

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: the bigger bedroom Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 12-16-2002 23:41
quote: Both men were computer technicians, German newspapers said.
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: Somewhere over the rainbow Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 12-17-2002 10:21
The poster has demanded we remove all his contributions, less he takes legal action.
We have done so.
Now Tyberius Prime expects him to start complaining that we removed his 'free speech' since this message will replace all of his posts, past and future.
Don't follow his example - seek real life help first.