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Bipolar (III) Inmate

From: dunno, really dunno anymore...
Insane since: May 2001

posted posted 06-10-2001 01:12

ok here goes:
i noticed that on some sites, on the IE status bar (the one at the botton), when you mouseOver something,
it doesn't show the link, but a chose name name (probably and hopefully you can modify it)
so something like
instead of you see Go to the BlahBlah site!
how do you do that?

Lunatic (VI) Mad Scientist

From: Massachusetts, USA
Insane since: Mar 2000

posted posted 06-10-2001 01:24

<a href="" onMouseOver="window.status='Go to the BlahBlah site!'; return true;" onMouseOut="window.status=''; return true;">blah blah</a>

Two important things here:

First, you must say return true; at the end of the event handler, this tells IE that you've taken care of the event yourself and it doesn't have to do anything about it, such as putting text in the status bar.

Second, remember the onMouseOut bit. That resets the status bar to blankness. It's not *necessary*, but it's a nice thing to do.

Maniac (V) Inmate

From: under the bed
Insane since: Feb 2000

posted posted 06-10-2001 01:25

like this:

<a href="" onMouseover="window.status='whatever you'd like the status bar to say'; return true" onMouseout="window.status='what you'd like the status bar to revert to'; return true">

Make sure to follow the syntax completely - proper use of quotations, semi-colon, and the return true part is necessary.

Maniac (V) Inmate

From: under the bed
Insane since: Feb 2000

posted posted 06-10-2001 01:28

Damn you slime

you type faster than me....

Lunatic (VI) Mad Scientist

From: Massachusetts, USA
Insane since: Mar 2000

posted posted 06-10-2001 01:29

Hah, beat you!

One more thing about this. Don't use it! This is only good in one situation: when you have a JavaScript url (like href="JavaScript: someFunction();") that no one is going to understand. If you have a regular hyperlink to a real site or a real html page, then dont mess around with the status text. When I hover my mouse over a link, I like to see where it goes. I especially hate it when I hover over a link that says something like "my photos", and then the status bar says "my photos" - the exact same thing! Did I need to see that? was it any more descriptive? no, when I looked at the status bar, I wanted to see something like - that's what I was looking for, it tells me where I'm going when I click the link.

So, again, only use this when you want to hide something messy like a JavaScript URL.

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: Belgrade, Serbia
Insane since: Sep 2000

posted posted 06-10-2001 05:12

Adding "return true" to the JS event (which is necessary, as said above) will destroy text hover effect in Mozilla, so you have to use timers to delay it a little bit...

Maniac (V) Inmate

From: Brisbane, Australia
Insane since: Apr 2001

posted posted 06-10-2001 05:50

OK, you lost me on that one MAX. Care to elobrate on what you ment by timers and how would you go about implementing them.

Never new this wouldn't work in mozilla! Dam.. have some updating to do now...

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: Belgrade, Serbia
Insane since: Sep 2000

posted posted 06-10-2001 06:31

I've made an example page that illustrates this:

Bipolar (III) Inmate

From: dunno, really dunno anymore...
Insane since: May 2001

posted posted 06-10-2001 09:03

thanx guys
i actually intended to use the stuff exactly 4 hiding those javascript messages & stuff
will work on it
PS: i really need a good review 4 what is going to be my site:
i would really apreciate it if any of you could take a look and tell me some comments!
i posted a message like this one in the site reviews forum, but only 2 gouys answered, so...

Lunatic (VI) Mad Scientist

From: Massachusetts, USA
Insane since: Mar 2000

posted posted 06-10-2001 15:54

However, the Mozilla bug which Max mentioned is, in fact, a bug, and will most hopefully be removed in future versions. Since no one in the real world uses Mozilla quite yet, I don't think you need to worry about it too much.

Arl, the first thing I noticed on the page was that the animation in the "splash" screen was jumpy. That should be fixable.

Inside the page, the background seems too busy and the cords are a bit unrealistic, like they've been squished or something. The static isn't really necessary and it's a bit distracting - I'll bet it doesn't help your load time, either.

Otherwise, it's not bad. You need to get some padding space around that text in the box on the right.

Bipolar (III) Inmate

From: dunno, really dunno anymore...
Insane since: May 2001

posted posted 06-10-2001 23:53

cords? which cords do you mean? the cables?
and the background will be modified as soon as i'll have some spare time
padding space? like some margins for the text?

Lunatic (VI) Mad Scientist

From: Massachusetts, USA
Insane since: Mar 2000

posted posted 06-11-2001 01:55

"yes" to both your questions. =)

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: Lebanon
Insane since: May 2001

posted posted 06-11-2001 08:29

yes...but isn't it a pain in the ass to do this thing for each "A" tag?
I mean in CSS we can make a "A" style and all "A" tags will inherit same style...what about event inheritence?

should i make a loop and search for all "A" tags myself and put a common event handler?

Lunatic (VI) Mad Scientist

From: Massachusetts, USA
Insane since: Mar 2000

posted posted 06-11-2001 17:58

Usually you don't have enough A tags to make it a problem, but yes, both of those are possible solutions (event inheritance & a loop after the document's loaded). Sometimes, if you've just got one long table of links, you can use some JavaScript to document.write them all out, keeping information about their hyperlinks in an array, and mousovering with images like "overbutton1.jpg" "overbutton2.jpg", etc. I tend to do that a lot.

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: other places
Insane since: Mar 2001

posted posted 06-11-2001 19:09

this can help a lot:

window.defaultStatus =" ";

Then you can avoid the onMouseOut business.

Bipolar (III) Inmate

From: Europe
Insane since: Mar 2001

posted posted 06-11-2001 19:18

well, wasn;t that a stupid question? (chust choking)
thanks for the default Status, slime. I could use that somewhere...

only change remains

Bipolar (III) Inmate

From: dunno, really dunno anymore...
Insane since: May 2001

posted posted 06-12-2001 23:56

hey, Slime,
check out what i've done with the page...
fixed some...
tell me what u think


Lunatic (VI) Mad Scientist

From: Massachusetts, USA
Insane since: Mar 2000

posted posted 06-13-2001 00:48

I still don't like the static. It's sort of pointless, and not entirely realistic. It also needs to be sunk in or something, it's just pasted on there.

The wires still look blurry or something, not really like real wires.

Otherwise, it's nice, it's *much* less busy now that the background image has been removed. There's one patch of rust that's hard to see the text on top of, in the upper right, get rid of that one.

Looks nicer. =)

Bipolar (III) Inmate

From: Europe
Insane since: Mar 2001

posted posted 06-13-2001 20:31

that's a pretty nice hp. did you use photoshop?
Just one question, why is it so blury? I mean the rendering of the text and the rust patches.
Oh yeah, Is that normal that the left interface anfd the right one are farther apart than the window width? (I don;t mind about scrolling, but it would be easier...)

only change remains

Bipolar (III) Inmate

From: dunno, really dunno anymore...
Insane since: May 2001

posted posted 06-13-2001 21:11

what resolution do you use?
the splash screen says recommended:1024x768
was that the problem?
and blurry? isn't rust supposed to be so?

PS: gimme more...


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